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FROM NOAH: My Thoughts On How This All Plays Out…On The Eve The Inauguration


Since everyone has been messaging me today asking my thoughts about tomorrow, I thought I would share them here.

Plus I want to go on the record right here, right now for everyone to see.

So here we go.

I write this January 19, 2021 on the evening before the so-called inauguration of Joe Biden.

What will happen tomorrow?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

Will we see a last minute miracle?

The Red Sea Moment we have been talking about since November?


Will Joe Biden actually be inaugurated?


Pastor Hank Kunneman has repeatedly said that God is not watching man’s calendar and is not impressed by our dates.

Will the military seize power and will there be dozens of arrests tomorrow in a “transition to military power“?


I believe it is still VERY likely that there are multiple covert operations running right now behind the scenes that none of us have any idea about.

Because if anyone knew, they wouldn’t be very good “covert” operations.

And the military is VERY good at keeping a secret.

So I don’t trust what some self-professed Illuminati kook named Simon Parkes says in his goofy YouTube videos.

The ironic thing is I think it’s very likely much of what he says is correct, but not because he has some secret insight.

He’s mainly parroting what he’s heard from other people or what he thinks your ears want to hear.

So to recap, I have no idea how things will play out, what operations may or may not be happening right now, whether Pence is a white hat or whether he truly stabbed President Trump in the back….

I don’t know about any of that.

But here’s what I do know and where I stand right now, January 19…..

I STILL stand firm with the prophetic voices like Hank Kunneman, Kat Kerr, Lance Wallnau, Bo Polny, Mark Taylor, Lois Vogel Sharp, and so many others who have all held steadfast that President Trump not only was supposed to win, he did win (in a landslide) and he will eventually be vindicated as the rightful landslide winner.

That’s where I stand.

I don’t know how it will all happen…

I don’t know when it will happen, or if it will happen tomorrow…

But I do not believe it ends like this.

I do not believe God brought President Trump this far….brought America this far….only to have things stolen by massive fraud by a party who said in their own platform statement that they want nothing to do with God in America.

I do not believe people like Hank Kunneman have been carrying a prophetic message since 2001 about a New York President who would save America and serve two terms have been wrong.

I do not believe all the prayers and national repentance have fallen on deaf ears (remember The Return?)

I don’t know how we get there, but I do not believe Biden takes office, or if he does I don’t believe it will be for very long.

I believe President Trump will indeed serve a second term (and perhaps a third!) and no I do not mean in 2024.

I mean in the very near future.

Think that’s crazy?  Not so much.  Even Lin Wood was talking about it today.

I’ve been telling you we were headed for a Red Sea moment since November, and I still believe we are.

But here’s the thing about the Red Sea moment and most other miracles that happened in the Bible….God typically doesn’t like to leave ANY room for debate about where the glory should be.

That’s why you see things usually go right to the last minute.

That’s why you see him use people like Gideon, the weakest man from the weakest tribe in all the land.

When everything looks lost….

When everything looks impossible….

When Pharaoh’s army is closing in on you and your back is up against a Sea you cannot cross and you are surrounded by chariots…

I believe we needed to reach that point where it was very clear that this isn’t going to get fixed BUT FOR a miracle coming directly from the hand of God.

It needed to be clear the win didn’t come from the Supreme Court or even from Amy Coney Barrett, as great as we hope she will be.

It needed to be clear the win wasn’t coming from Congress or even from Mike Pence.

And ultimately, it needed to be clear the win didn’t come from Donald J. Trump.


As great as he is, as many gifts as God has given him — and I do believe those are many and nearly unmatched by most other people on the face of the Earth right now — I think too many of us too often have expected Donald Trump to pull a rabbit out of a hat based on his own brilliance.

I don’t think that’s how this happens.

When the win does come, I believe it will be so unexpected, so big, so powerful and so obviously beyond anything that President Trump could have done that there will only be one person who can get the glory.

It’s 2 Chronicles 16:9:

For the eyes of the LORD roam to and fro over all the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are fully devoted to Him.

And I think when that happens, it will change everything.

Yes, we will get Donald Trump in for a second term after that happens, but he will be a changed man.

He’s always honored God, honored life, honored the Bible…..but it was more of a distant reverence.

I believe when Donald J. Trump sees the powerful right hand of God move in the way I believe we are all about to witness, he will literally become a changed person.

He’ll still be the man we all know and love, but he’ll have a new spirit.

Oh he’ll be more powerful than ever, but it will be because he knows God did this.

You know the kid who walks out on the playground and is the smallest guy out there but he’s fearless because he’s got his older brother and his friends standing behind him backing him up?

I think that will be the version of Trump we get after this all goes down.

You think he was fearless before?  You ain’t see nothing yet.

It will be fearlessness mixed with a new humble reverence….and that will be something very incredible to watch.

It will be a second term like no other term of any other president you have ever seen.

It will truly be a thing of beauty….and of awe when you see all that begins to happen.

You ain’t seen NOTHING yet…..or as President Trump said today: “the best is yet to come!

He’s right about that, but I don’t think he has any idea how prophetic that is about to become.

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So that’s where I stand, and I’m now on record.

And I can’t WAIT to see how it all happens.

I really think you’re gonna love how this story ends.

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