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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Considering Challenging Biden In Democrat Primary


Children’s Health Defense founder Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is considering a 2024 presidential run, challenging Biden for the Democrat nomination.

Kennedy said he already passed the biggest hurdle when deciding to run for president.

His wife.

While the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy is a lifelong Democrat, he’s faced widespread censorship and criticism from most modern Democrats for his stance on the COVID-19 shot.

Kennedy made his remarks about potentially running for president in a speech to a New Hampshire crowd Friday.

Fox News wrote:

In his speech, he called the Democratic National Committee (DNC) decision to upset the presidential nominating calendar wrong, as it moves New Hampshire’s primary from the first place into the third.

New Hampshire, which prides itself on its well-informed electorate and its emphasis on small-scale and grassroots retail politics, has for a century held the first primary in the race for the White House. While Republicans are making no changes to their presidential nominating calendar in the 2024 election cycle, the DNC last month voted overwhelmingly to approve a new top of the calendar, pushed by Biden, that upends the traditional schedule.

New Hampshire will now vote second in the DNC’s calendar, along with Nevada, three days after South Carolina, under the new schedule.

Ahead of the DNC’s final approval of the schedule, Kennedy wrote an open letter to the committee, urging members to keep New Hampshire in the first spot because of the state’s long history advocating for civil rights and election transparency.

Kennedy wrote that New Hampshire “runs the most secure and transparent election in America.”

Thus far, no Democrats have officially entered the 2024 presidential race to challenge Biden for the party’s nomination.

However, there are rumors of other potential candidates prepared to enter the race.

In addition to Kennedy, Marianne Williamson said she’s getting ready to announce her presidential run.

Comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore is reportedly considering a presidential run.

The only confirmed opponent for Donald Trump in the 2024 GOP presidential primary is former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

Nikki Haley Officially Launches 2024 Presidential Bid (WATCH)


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