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White Students Forced to Pledge Allegiance to BLM


Last month, during Black History month, a group of sixth-grade students in Ohio rounded up their white peers and forced them to kneel and recite “Black Lives Matter.”

Let’s get one thing straight – the white students were made to do this against their will.

Those who resisted were physically attacked.

And this all happened on the playground during the school day.

The Blaze reported on the racially motivated hate crime.

Springfield Police were dispatched to Kenwood Elementary on Feb. 13 to deal with possible assaults and menacing offenses that occurred on Feb. 10 during recess.

Hold up!

Before we go any further … why did the police show up THREE DAYS LATER?

According to the police report, the school’s principal, Evan Hunsaker, told law enforcement that a group of black students had herded several white students over to the playground and violently coerced them to state “‘black lives matter’ against their will.”

Children who had attempted to evade the coercive mob of junior identitarians were allegedly “chased down and escorted, dragged or carried” back to the playground.

Thugs in the making.

Absolutely disgusting!

And the school’s security camera caught the attack.

The footage has FINALLY been released.

The Blaze continued its report:

The video shows a child in a white shirt, in the grips of two larger students, escorted over to the playground and forced to his knees. On the way, one of the individuals violently shoving the child along appears to punch him in the head, just before another student can be seen bolting over, tackling the victim to the ground, and then beating on him.

BLM, the identitarian leftist group the Springfield aggressors allegedly forced their victims to pledge fealty to, was associated with the 2020 riots that did at least $1 billion in damage. Of the 8,700 BLM-related events at the time, 574 reportedly involved violent acts in over 140 cities, including shootings, arson, looting, vehicular crimes, and explosions.

Extra to its links to violence, destruction, and transsexual activism, BLM calls for police to be defunded, for the disruption of the nuclear family, and for “a queer-affirming network.”

You can watch the video below:

This is horrifying!

These children are being attacked and coerced because they’re white.

How is this not racist?!

Daily Mail had more,

A criminal investigation at an Ohio elementary school has been launched after black students forced their white peers to say ‘Black Lives Matter’ on camera and assaulted those who didn’t.

The incident at Kenwood Elementary on February 10 showed the altercation play out as two students were initially seen escorting their peer to an area on the playground while punching the student in the head.

Footage of the 17-minute video showed the student being tossed on the ground while another student joined seconds later. About 10 minutes later a third student was thrown right beside them.

What’s more, is it’s nearly a month after the incident and it’s barely a blip on the newsfeed!

Can you imagine the outrage if the shoe was on the other foot?

I’ve yet to hear the Left speak out against these little jerks.

But, of course, they wouldn’t condemn their actions.

This is exactly what they’ve been working to create.

A new generation of thugs to destroy cities, cry “racism” when they don’t get their way, and keep voting blue.


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