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Joe Biden Has Cancer


We don’t wish death on anyone, but I wasn’t exactly crying to find out Joe Biden had cancer.

Skin cancer.

According to a memorandum from Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Joe Biden had a “skin lesion” removed from his chest on February 16th at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

The tissue, which was sent for traditional biopsy, was confirmed to be “basal cell carcinoma.”

“All cancerous tissue was removed. The area around the biopsy site was treated presumptively with electrodessication and curettage at the time of biopsy. No further treatment is required,” the memorandum stated.

AP reported:

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the White House doctor who has served as Biden’s longtime physician, said “all cancerous tissue was successfully removed” during the president’s routine physical on Feb. 16. Biden, 80, was deemed by O’Connor to be “ healthy, vigorous” and “fit ” to handle his White House responsibilities during that physical exam, which comes as he is weeks away from launching an expected bid for reelection in 2024.

O’Connor said the site of the removal on Biden’s chest has “healed nicely” and the president will continue regular skin screenings as part of his routine health plan.

Basal cells are among the most common and easily treated forms of cancer — especially when caught early. O’Connor said they don’t tend to spread like other cancers, but could grow in size, which is why they are removed.

Regardless of the skin lesion removed from Joe Biden’s chest, his physician called him “healthy, vigorous, and fit.”

However, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) said the quiet part out loud regarding Biden’s mental capabilities.

One Democrat Says The Quiet Part Out Loud

The Western Journal reported:

“This is not a knock on Joe Biden, just a wish for competition,” the congressman said.

“In the business world, if the dominant brand in a category had favorability ratings like the current president does, you would see a number of established brands jump into that category.”

“Believe me, there are literally hundreds in Congress who would say the same thing,” Philips said. “But they simply won’t f***ing say a word.”

The painful truth is Biden’s advanced age is a huge problem for the Democrats. Biden turned 80 on Nov. 20. He is already the oldest American president. Biden would be 82 if he were sworn in in 2025. He would be 86 if he made it all the way through a second term.


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