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President Trump: “Hold On, I’m Coming!”


Ok, you’re gonna love this….

President Trump was recorded on camera tonight dancing at the end of his show with Bill O’Reilly.

Yes, the dance is back!

But here’s the best part that no one else has picked up on yet….

He ditched the YMCA song and replaced it with “Hold on, I’m coming!”

And when those lyrics are sung, he points right to himself and smirks!

He is telling us what is soon to happen!

Watch it here for yourself on Rumble:

So what do you think?

Isn’t it awesome?

Ok, now I have more for you from the event itself.

Twitter may rue the day they banned President Trump from their platform.


Because President Trump is now stronger than ever!

Trump is currently in Orlando, FL with Bill O’Reilly.

The two are embarking on a “history tour” means to set the record straight.

No more filter of the fake news media.

No more suppression from the social media giants.

Now, President Trump is speaking directly to the people.

And the people want to listen!

Take a look at the crowd size below:

The images speak for themselves.

Tens of thousands of people paid for exclusive tickets to this history tour.

This was not a “free” event like most Trump rallies.

Can you imagine people paying to see Joe Biden?!


Of course…

The media is already lying about the crowd size.

Several photos and videos from hours BEFORE the event began circulating.

But you’ll notice that the stage was empty and that music was playing.


Because this was BEFORE the show!

The media is already picking up on these misleading tweets.

Per Yahoo News:

There were so many empty seats at Donald Trump’s Florida event on Saturday that organizers had to shut down the upper level of the arena in Sunrise, Florida, the Sun Sentinel reported.

Trump fans sitting in the nosebleed section of the FLA Live Arena were told that they were being “upgraded” to the lower levels, according to the newspaper.

Many tickets remained unsold before the event.

Trump appeared with former Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly, who was bounced from the network after accusations of sexual harassment.

One supposed audience member, in a tweet that later appeared to have been deleted, complained that the duo was an hour late — and there were a “lot of empty seats.”

At Trump OReilly show in Miami, running an hour late. Lot of empty seats, think Trump doesn’t want to come out. Getting pissed!

Particularly embarrassing was Trump’s boast in a statement posted on his aide’s Twitter account before the event: “See you in Sunrise, FL, in a little while. … Big crowds!” He signed it “President” Trump.

Fortunately, people who actually attended the history tour are speaking out.

They are confirming what we all expected: that the media lied yet again!

Look at these MASSIVE crowds!

That last shot appears to show that the stadium is PACKED to capacity!

Yet despite the obvious evidence that Trump is still wildly popular, the media is pushing the narrative of empty seats.

Sound familiar?

Even Newsweek is jumping into the fray:

Both Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly touted huge crowds ahead of their “History Tour.” But it kicked off at the FLA Live Arena in Sunrise, Florida, with many empty seats, according to local media.

“Massive crowd headed into FLA Live! The Trump/O’Reilly History show starts soon…,” O’Reilly, the former Fox host, wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

“See you in Sunrise, FL, in a little while and tomorrow, Orlando,” the former president said in a statement. “Big crowds!”

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

But the “cavernous” FLA Live Arena had many seats that remained empty, according to the Sun-Sentinel. The top level was closed off and those who had tickets for that area were “upgraded” to the lower bowl, the newspaper reported.

Pictures on social media showed the top tier of the arena completely empty, though it was not clear when they were taken, and empty seats dotted throughout the arena.

Trump entertained the crowd with comments mocking President Joe Biden, saying the United States was no longer great and repeating baseless claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

Did you notice how Newsweek barely mentioned that they weren’t sure when the photos were taken?

While the media keeps spinning, Trump keeps winning!


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