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‘DIED SUDDENLY’ World Premier


The shocking documentary “Died Suddenly” by the Stew Peters Network analyzes the deadly effects and consequences of the experimental COVID-19 shots pushed on the global population the last two years.

The film examines the disturbing white fibrous blood clots embalmers have found in deceased vaccinated individuals.

(WATCH) Funeral Director John O’Looney Shows Blockages Removed From Blood Vessels of Man Who ‘Suddenly’ Died

Funeral Embalmer Reports Finding Fibrous and Rubbery Clots Inside Bodies Since May 2021

In addition, the film reviews testimonials provided by whistleblowers.

Military Doctor Whistleblower Files Affidavit to Ground All Vaccinated Pilots & Flight Crews

"Died Suddenly" also reviews the depopulation agenda pushed by the global elites for decades.

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Have Trump's Back 100%?

Here's the trailer from Rumble:

Watch the full documentary on Twitter:

And a Rumble backup:


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