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High School Kids Lead Walkout Over Mask Mandates!


If you’ve ever wondered about the next generation in America and whether they have what it takes, you can stop worrying.

At least, that is, if the next generation has a lot of people like this kid in it.

Talk about a great leader!

High School Students in Washougal High School in Washougal, WA staged a walkout over oppressive mask mandates in the school.

As all of the students are outside, this kid is clearly the leader and he starts giving directions to everyone else.

It’s immediately clear everyone respects him and listens to him because they all immediately quiet down and listen.

It’s really impressive.

And what he says is even more impressive.

Watch here:

And in case that gets taken down, here is a backup on Rumble:

Here’s more:

They appear to be protesting this policy:

January 27, 2022 Message

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) recently updated their guidelines and their Symptoms Decision Tree Checklist/Flowchart.

The major change in the new flowchart is students and staff will no longer be required to test to return to school after five days if the required criteria are met.

Updated guidance from DOH including Test to Stay Protocol

Students and staff who have tested positive can return to school after five days have passed since symptoms first appeared (or since the positive test if asymptomatic) with:

  1. No fever within the past 24 hours (without medication) AND
  2. Symptoms have significantly improved AND
  3. Students and staff participating in athletics and extracurricular activities will continue monitoring for symptoms and wearing a well-fitting mask around others through Day 10 (Days 6-10) both in and out of school, even when participating in athletics. Students and staff with an accommodation that allows them to attend school and not wear a well-fitting mask or face shield with a drape must stay in isolation the full 10 days.

For staff identified as close contacts, fully vaccinated means they have received their primary series and additional doses or booster doses when eligible based on their health status and age.

Please note that masks are still required for staff and students, regardless of vaccination status, indoors at all Washougal schools and school facilities. 

Good for you kids!

Keep up the good work!


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