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Fauci Wants Vaccine Mandate For Domestic Air Travel


I am not sure why Fauci still has a job, or why he is not yet in prison.

If it were up to him we would be under lock and key forever, and we cannot forget that it was he who allegedly pulled the strings and funded the activities in the Wuhan lab.

Fauci continues his tone deaf madness amid Biden giving up on Covid, The CDC halving quarantine requirements, and intellectuals saying that it’s time to start treating Covid like the common cold.

His latest proposal is that we mandate a vaccine requirement for domestic travel….

A vaccine mandate for a vaccine that clearly doesn’t work. This has absolutely nothing to do with science, and Fauci insults the word science by claiming that he is a scientist.

He is the furthest thing from that, and the closest thing to a board member for Pfizer.

Take a look:

Bloomberg reports:

Anthony Fauci said on MSNBC on Monday that it would be “reasonable to consider” a requirement to be vaccinated for coronavirus before getting on a domestic flight. Later, in an interview on CNN, he said people should consider avoiding larger New Year’s Eve parties.

“When you make vaccination a requirement, that’s another incentive to get more people vaccinated,” Fauci said. “If you want to do that with domestic flights, I think that’s something that seriously should be considered.”


According to The Epoch Times thousands of flights have been cancelled due to Omicron:

Of the 1,474 flights, 136 were pulled by Delta airlines, 108 were scrapped from United, 172 from Alaska airlines, and 93 were pulled from American airlines. Globally, 16,026 were delayed.

Thousands of flights, both national and international, have been canceled during the peak holiday season amid a surge in COVID-19 cases which airlines say have affected employees and flight crew, leading to staffing issues.


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