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Manchin Going Independent?


As the Overton window shifts further and further left many are feeling politically homeless.

They won’t throw in their lot with Republicans, they’re unsure of the Libertarian Party, and they are absolutely through with Democrats who are increasingly on the far-left fringes of the political spectrum.

This is where Joe Manchin is currently at according to sources close to him.

According to reports Manchin is considering going independent, although he would still caucus with Democrats…

Here’s what we could gather on the story:

Breitbart had more details:

Manchin is from West Virginia, a red state that Biden lost in 2020 by nearly 40 points.

“I’m from West Virginia,” he said Monday. “I’m not from where they’re [Democrats] from, and they can just beat the living crap out of people and think they’ll be submissive, period.”


Newsmax went further:

“We do appreciate the fact that he seems to be one of the few remaining centrists left in the Democratic Party,” McConnell said.

“We had way more moderate Democrats when Barack Obama was president than we do today. They seem to all gone hard left. Joe has resisted that, and I admire him for it.”

Manchin has denied interest in leaving the Democratic Party. One report in October said the senator told associates that he had an exit plan.


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