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No Justice For Ashli Babbitt

Sources are saying that The DOJ is not filing charges against the capitol police officer who shot and killed the veteran.


Excuse me, but WHAT?

Ashli Babbitt deserves some justice here. This was a veteran who was reportedly shot by police for allegedly climbing through a window.

What threat did she pose to their safety?

There were plenty of people who entered the building that day. Why weren’t they shot?

Chauvin is on trial, but I think the officer who shot Ashli Babbitt should be on trial too…….

One thing is for sure though. There is not going to be rioting, looting, and the burning down of businesses due to this lack of Justice for Ashli and her family.

Here is more on the story:

Fox News reported: 

The Department of Justice (DOJ) will not pursue charges against the U.S. Capitol Police officer who allegedly shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during the Jan. 6 riot in Washington, D.C., officials announced Wednesday.

An investigation conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia determined "that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution," the department said in a statement.

Authorities had considered for months whether criminal charges were appropriate for the Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Babbitt, 35, an Air Force veteran from San Diego. The Justice Department’s decision, though expected, officially closes out the investigation.

The Epoch Times had more: 

“Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution.”

Mark Schamel, a lawyer representing the officer, told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement: “This is the only correct conclusion following the events of January 6. The lieutenant exercised professionalism and fantastic restraint in defending and protecting members of Congress.”

The officer remains unidentified in the public sphere.

“As unfortunate as it is that the lieutenant had to resort to deadly force, he fired only one shot at the only person who breached the locked doors and makeshift barricade that had been erected. He did so after clearly identifying himself and ordering the mob not to come through the barricade,” Schamel added. “He used tremendous restraint in only firing one shot, and his actions stopped the mob from breaking through and turning a horrific day in American history into something so much worse." 


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