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WATCH: The Latest Interview With President Trump

In a recent interview with Sebastian Gorka, President Trump issued a whole host of messages for everyone following The America First agenda.


The country is in trouble.

You know it, I know it, President Trump knows it.

So what is the plan moving forward? The midterms are going to be coming up before any of us even know it, and those midterms will be our chance to take back America.

Right now Democrats have control over pretty much everything and nothing is going well.

We have a crisis at the border, we are printing money willy-nilly, and I am pretty sure Biden has no idea where he is right now.

In other words: our government has completely failed us.

Time for conservatives to take back America!

Take a look:

Newsweek reported: 

Earlier in the interview, Trump discussed COVID-19 lockdowns and criticized Michigan and California for their approach to the virus and the economy. He praised states led by Republican governors such as Florida and Texas.

Gorka highlighted a recent announcement about measures in the military including maternity flight suits, which have faced criticism from some conservatives.

In remarks delivered on International Women's Day on March 8, President Joe Biden announced changes in military gear that would include better fitting female body armor and maternity flight suits for pregnant service members. These changes are designed to make it easier for women to serve in the military.

Fox News had some related news to report: 

As Republicans work toward winning back the House of Representatives majority in the 2022 midterm elections, the party's reelection committee is off to a strong fundraising start.

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) on Thursday reported that it brought in $33.7 million in fundraising in the January-March first quarter (Q1) of this year.

The figures, shared first with Fox News, include a large $19.1 million haul in March alone, which the NRCC says beats its previous off-election year record by $3.6 million.

The committee highlighted that it had $29.7 million cash on hand as of the end of last month, which it says is a 57% increase over the amount of money the NRCC had in the bank at the same point in the last election cycle.


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