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Trump to Declassify Top Secret Documents Related to Obamagate, Lou Dobbs Reports


President Donald Trump is still continuing the fight against democrat corruption.

According to Lou Dobbs, things could get very interesting in the coming days!

John Solomon reports that President Donald J. Trump is officially going to declassify top secret documents that relate to Obamagate!

Barack Obama illegally spied on the Trump campaign in 2016, and many have been calling on President Trump to declassify everything.

This has been a long time coming as the entire country deserves the truth.

Many supporters of President Trump have been calling on him to declassify everything, and the time appears to be now.

Less than a week ago, Rudy Guliani urged the president to go on a "declassification spree."

The Washington Examiner covered the story:

Rudy Giuliani encouraged President Trump to go on a declassification spree in the final days of his administration.

With less than two weeks until President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, the former New York City mayor, who is Trump's personal lawyer, insisted the time for "harmony" is over.

"At many times, I thought he was ready to do it, and many times it was blocked by, I have to assume, the force that we now call the 'deep state.' I have my suspicions where. Now, there is no longer any reason to try to create some kind of harmony, and therefore, not do it," Giuliani told former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon on his War Room podcast on Friday.

"I think he owes it, not just to MAGA, he owes it to the American people to put it out," he added.

Some disclosures have been made related to the Russia investigation in recent months but not everything. Trump tweeted in October that he "fully authorized the total" declassification of documents related to the "Russia hoax" and Hillary Clinton's emails, but a top aide told a federal court that these social media missives did not amount to declassification orders.

Maybe this is why democrat Gwen Moore had an absolute meltdown on the House floor talking about President Trump declassifying state secrets.


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