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Actor Michael Keaton Asks Trump To Resign

Evidently he has reached his maximum TRIGGERED capacity.


Starring as Batman has seemed to erroneously convinced actor Michael Keaton that he can and should in fact save America. 

In his latest bout of TDS, Keaton is calling on President Trump to resign peacefully, as that would be the "patriotic" thing to do.

From Fox News:

Michael Keaton is calling on President Trump to bid farewell to the White House before the 2020 election.

The actor wrote a lengthy Instagram post on Wednesday bashing Trump's presidency and claiming he's simply not fit for the job. He noted that he's "said this before" and is choosing to say it once again in a "calmly" manner.

"I am (and I feel we all should be) over the screaming, ranting etc over trump who is what many call the president. It's crystal clear it was a fluke and unfortunately a terrible mistake. There are moments when I honestly feel sorry for him. OK, maybe not MOMENTS but seconds. It's reached the point where it just pathetic," he wrote.

The "Birdman" star then denounced Trump as "lost," "incapable," and "obviously so unfit."

The 68-year-old entertainer then shared the one thing Trump can still do that would be respectable.

"Resign. No harm. No foul. Walk away. Would be very patriotic and I would personally write a note thanking him. I swear I'm not being condescending. It's just the truth," he said.

Keaton concluded that democracy "is honestly and literally in question."

The actor's post received mixed responses in the comments section, with one fan from Scotland saying he can confirm that "the whole world is laughing" at Trump.

Michael Keaton poses for photographers upon arrival at the world premiere of the film "The Beatles, Eight Days a Week" on Sept. 15, 2016 in London.
Michael Keaton poses for photographers upon arrival at the world premiere of the film "The Beatles, Eight Days a Week" on Sept. 15, 2016 in London. (AP)

"Sorry Batman! The real superhero is coming back in 2020!!!! TRUMP," another responded to the actor.

One person argued that the country "was doing great" before the coronavirus pandemic hit. "He ain't a saint but he isn't a bad president," the follower continued. "You're just offended by mean words he says."

While Keaton's ilk love to dramatize some alternate version of America where Trump has destroyed democracy, it is indeed them who seem to detest democracy in action. 

This is not the first time that Keaton has gone off the rails against the President. 

The Hill covered his hysterical response to the Middle East travel ban signed by the President to prevent unvetted refugeees and others from the region from being poured into the country:

Actor Michael Keaton said Monday that President Trump is creating endless “mayhem” with his order limiting refugees from several Muslim-majority nations.

The Academy Award nominee also referred to Trump as “birther boy” and slammed him for creating “ANOTHER recruiting tool” for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria in a series of tweets slamming his administration.

Keaton also encouraged Trump opponents — some of whom refer to their movement as "The Resistance" — to continue to challenge Trump’s policies leading up to Trump’s Supreme Court nominee announcement Tuesday.

Keaton joins a chorus of Hollywood backlash against Trump’s administration, particularly in light of his controversial executive order. Celebrities at the annual Screen Actors Guild Awards Sunday evening challenged the immigration order, with host Ashton Kutcher welcoming “everyone at airports that belong in my America."

Perhaps the actor is unaware of the seeming refusal of these populations, by and large, to integreate into EU societies creating the very MAYHEM he was accusing Trump of.

You know, like throwing acid in people's faces, truck attacks on pedestrians, No-Go Zones, etc etc. 

I have to wonder as we draw near to Election 2020, will Hollyweirdos spontaneously combust, once and for all?

Will they move to corrupt Trudeau's Canada? Will Keaton be put into a padded room? Will Cher work full time for the Post Office?

We'll know soon enough.


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