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Former Senator Al Franken Demands Vote By Mail

The super WOKE MSNBC had the disgraced former Senator from Minnesota on to slam President Trump and insist on vote by mail this November.


Former funny man, US Senator, and groper extraordinaire, Al Franken, wants you to vote by mail. 

If you value democracy, integrity in elections, and "saving our country," well, there just isn't any other way. 

Really you need to vote by mail because Donald Trump & the Republicans are just big fat cheaters. 

You remember how they screwed Bernie out of his delegates, right? 

Or you know, won the election of '16 in accordance with the constitutional frameworks designed by our founders. 

Big FAT cheaters. 

Here is a partial transcript from The Red State Observer:

Joe Biden is a person with tremendous empathy. And he’s going to be, I hope, inheriting a country that unfortunately is badly wounded right now. And we need someone who can heal and not someone who can only, only, only divide. That’s this guy’s one move.

Joe Biden has to win and win big for a number of reasons. One, if Trump wins, it’s a disaster for a democracy, and it’s disastrous for our country. Two, they’re going to do everything they can to cheat. My last podcast was on trying to get, you know, vote by mail. There’s no reason not to vote by mail. We have five states that vote 100% by mail. There’s no fraud in those states."


Even though the liberal stooges of MSNBC will have you believe that Donald Trump is out to destroy American democracy, it seems to be only members of the Democratic party who keep getting pinched for voter fraud and tampering. 

The Philadelphia Inquirer covered on such recent case, which I might add wasn't an isolated incident:

An election fraud case in Philadelphia has reignited a long-smoldering partisan political issue and stirred up the 2020 presidential race with less than two weeks before the state’s primary.

A South Philadelphia election judge’s March guilty plea to taking bribes to inflate votes for Democratic candidates was kept quiet by federal prosecutors until Thursday, a day after President Donald Trump was again making broad claims about Democratic voter fraud. He offered no evidence to back them up, and threatened to withhold money from states that make it easier to vote by mail.

Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee seized on Domenick J. DeMuro’s plea Friday, calling it proof that “voter fraud exists” despite what they said was the news media’s reluctance to report on the issue.

“Democrats have a clear and blatant history of committing voter fraud in Pennsylvania," Melissa Reed, a spokesperson for the RNC and Trump’s campaign, said in a statement. She said the GOP “continues to fight back against the Democrats’ nationwide vote-by-mail push to destroy the integrity of elections.”

The irony of this Franken segment is that it is suspected that he may have won his very seat in Minnesota through voter fraud as well.

You know how good Minnesota has been at law & order recently, right?


his seat in the world’s greatest deliberative body not to his charisma or the persuasiveness of his message but to voter fraud.

As the Wall Street Journal's John Fund reports, Minnesota Democrat Al Franken’s narrow, 312-vote victory in 2008 over incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman may have come as the result of people being allowed to vote who, under existing law, shouldn’t have been.

The certification of Franken as the victor came only after a series of recounts dragging out for almost half a year. It also sparked an investigation by Minnesota Majority, a conservative watchdog group that compared the list of those recorded as having voted in the election against what Fund calls “criminal rap sheets.” The group found, in what appears to clearly warrant further and official inquiry, that

… At least 341 convicted felons voted in Minneapolis's Hennepin County, the state's largest, and another 52 voted illegally in St. Paul's Ramsey County, the state's second largest. Dan McGrath, head of Minnesota Majority, says that only conclusive matches were included in the group's totals. The number of felons voting in those two counties alone exceeds Mr. Franken's victory margin.

Thus far no one is calling for the results to be overturned. Indeed Dan McGrath, who spearheaded the inquiry, told Fox News, "We aren't trying to change the result of the last election. That legally can't be done." He added:  “We are just trying to make sure the integrity of the next election isn't compromised."

Very Classy, Al. 

Make no mistake about it.

There is no true concern for the safety of citizens in this vote by mail extravaganza. 

Since the Democrats can't subvert the Constitution through the abolition of the electoral college, vote by mail is the latest scheme to manipulate their way into power. 

They use their typical tropes of minority suppression, public safety, & Donald Trump's supposed corruption to shame the public into going along for the ride.


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