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Rosie O’Donnell: Trump Will Lose In a Landslide


Is this lady for real?

You have to wonder what planet she might be living on because she was just quoted as saying she thinks and predicts and hopes that Donald Trump is going to lose "in a landslide" in November.


I think there's gonna be a landslide Rosie, but I don't think you're gonna like which way it goes.

Take a look at this:

Here's more from The Hill:

Rosie O'Donnell, a longtime critic of President Trump, said in a recent interview she thinks the president will lose the 2020 election by a "landslide," adding that she firmly believes the voters will “rise to the occasion” and vote him out in November.

When asked about the coming election during an appearance on Marc Maron's "WTF" podcast that aired on Monday, O’Donnell said: "I think November we're gonna be a landslide and take him out, that's what I have to believe." 

“I firmly believe that the heart of the nation is bigger than his mental illness and people will rise to the occasion and vote him out,” she continued. “That’s what I hope.”

During the interview, O’Donnell, who said last year that she believed the president would be arrested before this year’s election, also spoke on her feud with Trump, which dates back to years before he became president. 

O’Donnell said that she had only ever met Trump on two occasions — once when during his wedding to Marla Maples in the early '90s and another time in 2002 when she hosted “Survivor.” 

“I met him once, twice, once at his wedding, because when he was marrying Marla Maples, we had shared a mutual leading man,” she said. “She was in ‘Will Rogers Follies’ and I did ‘Grease.’ And we had the same guy, well, he invited me to be his date.”

“I met him, he shook my hand,” she continued. “And then I met him once at the celebrity, I mean at the ‘Survivor’ finale. I was the host of the ‘Survivor’ finale and he was in talking terms with Mark Burnett to see about doing ‘The Apprentice.’ ”

Talking about Barnett, a TV producer who created “The Apprentice,” O'Donnell said that she blames him “for the vast majority of the problems this nation has, coming to terms with who he is in actuality.”

"I feel Mark Burnett is directly, personally responsible,” she continued. 

O’Donnell, who said she had once been a “big supporter” of Barnett’s work, said “he was very kind and a great guy and I really liked him and then he did this ‘Apprentice.’ ”

“And I kept saying to him, 'What the hell are you doing? What are you putting up this guy as Mr. [Successful]?' " the comedian continued. "[Trump] didn't even have a boardroom before Mark Burnett and it was all plywood to begin with."

“He created this image that is nothing like who he is, that is devoid of all facts about his essence and his character and he let that ride out on 10 years worth at least,” she continued, “and people still believe it. They think of him as that.”

Here's more from the charming "Rosie"....

And from Breitbart:

Far-left actress Rosie O’Donnell has predicted that voters will “rise to the occasion” in November’s presidential election and vote Donald Trump out of office by a landslide.

“I think November we’re gonna be a landslide and take him out, that’s what I have to believe,” O’Donnell said when asked about this year’s election during an appearance on Marc Maron’s podcast that aired on Monday. “I firmly believe that the heart of the nation is bigger than his mental illness and people will rise to the occasion and vote him out. That’s what I hope.”

During the interview, O’Donnell also spoke of the two times she met Trump and how she holds The Apprentice producer Mark Burnett personally responsible for his rise to power.

“I met him once, twice, once at his wedding, because when he was marrying Marla Maples, we had shared a mutual leading man,” she said. “And then I met him once at the celebrity, I mean at the ‘Survivor’ finale. I was the host of the ‘Survivor’ finale and he was in talking terms with Mark Burnett to see about doing The Apprentice.

Discussing Burnett’s influence, O’Donnell said she blames him “for the vast majority of the problems” America is facing and revealed she warned him about the perils of giving Trump such a platform.

“I feel Mark Burnett is directly, personally responsible,” the SMILF star said. “He was very kind and a great guy and I really liked him and then he did this ‘Apprentice.’ And I kept saying to him, ‘What the hell are you doing? What are you putting up this guy as Mr. [Successful]?'”

It is not the first time that O’Donnell has come out with bold predictions. Last year, the Sleepless in Seattle star stated her belief that Trump would be arrested before the 2020 presidential election took place.

“I think he’ll be arrested,” O’Donnell said at the time. “I believe in America and I believe in our political system and I believe we will right the wrong of the tyranny of Donald Trump.”

Hey Rosie, clean up your act!

And your filthy mouth!

How disgusting.  

And of course no article about Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell would be complete with me playing this next clip.

It's one of my all-time faves, immediately in the Donald Trump hall of fame, long before he ran for President.

Please, please enjoy....


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