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Trump Prophet: Kavanaugh Hearings Confirmed Military Tribunals Coming For Deep State SOON!


You have probably heard of Mark Taylor before.  He’s sometimes called the Trump Prophet or Firefighter Prophet.

He’s a firefighter who famously prophesied that Donald Trump would run for, and be elected to, the Presidency back in 2014, before Trump had even announced he was running!


Then you may recall Trump was the underdog for many months in a field of 17 GOP heavyweights (at least at the time they were).

Taylor was laughed at back then, but as Trump systematically knocked out each of those 17 challengers and then went on to the most historic election day victory of all time against Crooked Hillary Rotten Clinton, people were not laughing anymore.

Since then, people give great heed to what the Firefighter Prophet says.

And he just came out with some more big statements!

He says the recent Kavanaugh hearings were a prophetic moment that signified to the Deep State that military tribunals are coming very soon!  The questioning to Kavanaugh about these tribunals was very telling.  There were even questions about whether people could be executed for treason, and Kavanaugh responded “yes”!

But that all got swept under the rug in the MSM reporting.  

Taylor’s entire prophecy lines up amazing well with Kim Clement’s prophecy from 2014.

READ MORE >> Kim Clement 2014 Trump Prophecy

Taylor says it’s a red herring that the media and politicians are making this a fight over Roe v. Wade.  He said it’s really about whether or not Trump can finish his plan for military tribunals and the arrest of Barrack Obama, the Clintons and the rest of the corrupt Swamp!

Taylor confirms there are indeed several thousand sealed indictments ready to go.

He thinks this will all break loose in October.

Taylor stated that many other prophetic signs have recently been given, the like the 20-year old horse named “Barack Obama” that was euthenized just two weeks ago!  

Didn’t hear about that story in the Media?  Here it is, from the CitizenTimes:

TRYON — A 20-year-old Anglo-Arab gelding horse named Barack Obama was euthanized Friday in Tryon, where it was competing in the FEI World Equestrian Games.

The horse, ridden by Team New Zealand’s Jenny Champion, competed in the endurance championship at the equestrian games earlier in the week. It was transported to the Endurance Treatment Clinic from the second loop of a 120-kilometer ride, which had been shortened as some teams were misdirected at the start.

The event later was canceled due to concerns of heat and humidity, World Equestrian Games spokeswoman Gayle Telford said.

Telford said the horse was treated for kidney problems at the Tryon International Equestrian Center before being transferred to the Tryon Equine Hospital “for further treatment.” The horse’s owner, Mark Round, elected to euthanize it after consulting with Champion and veterinarians.

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

Barack Obama competed in international endurance events since 2009, including six 160-kilometer rides, Telford said. Champion began riding the horse in 2014.

Taylor says this is far from a coincidence and is a prophetic sign that Obama will soon be “stripped of the Presidency.”

READ MORE >> Trump Prophet: “2018 Will See Largest Turnover in Midterms History”

Taylor says the only way an ex-President can be stripped of the Presidency is if he is found guilty of treason.  

Can you see all the dots coming together?

There is so much more in here.  Taylor says California will likely turn RED in 2020.  He says Trump has been appointed by God, and Taylor does not fear the weapons formed against him.


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