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Support Sean Hannity; Boycott These Companies

Hannity has done nothing wrong!


I watched Sean Hannity’s show Thursday night when the entire opening was on Judge Roy Moore and the Alabama Senate Race.  And I can tell you, it was a magnificent opening!

Hannity systematically walked through how dating back to Richard Jewell, he was one of the only people in the Media to use caution and journalistic diligence to get to the bottom of the story.

Meanwhile, everyone else rushed to judgment.  

And they were wrong.

In fact, Hannity recounted story after story of the exact same scenario.  Where he waited until all the facts were known and did not rush to judgment.

And he’s doing the exact same thing with Judge Roy Moore, and the liberals are losing their minds over it!  

In fact, they’re now pulling their ads from his show.  For what?  Because he isn’t just accepting the (highly suspicious story and timing of the story) from an accuser?  

Read More:  Roseanne Barr Says Major Busts Coming This Week!

Here are the companies to Boycott:

Quite frankly, I've had enough.

If they wat to pull their ads, it's 100% within their right to do so.

But it's also 100% within our right to STOP doing all business with them!  And to spread this story far and wide so everyone knows who to stop doing business with.

So here you go.  So far, it's Keurig,, 23 and Me, Eloquii and Nature's Bounty that have all pulled ads.

I know what companies I won't be buying anything from any time soon!

Here's the official report, from CNBC:

At least five companies said over the weekend that they will no longer advertise their products during Fox News' "Hannity" television show, which sparked an outpouring on Sunday of counter-protests on social media. 

Keurig,, 23 and Me, Eloquii and Nature's Bounty all pulled their ads from the television show, in response to Fox host Sean Hannity's coverage of the sexual misconduct allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Last week, a Washington Post article published an article suggesting Moore had romantic or sexual relationships with four teenage girls when he was in his 30s, allegations which the candidate has vigorously denied. In the wake of the Post report, Hannity asked his viewers to give Moore the benefit of the doubt.

On Twitter, the companies announced their decision to discontinue showing their ads during Hannity's show — one of Fox News' most highly rated programs that is wildly popular with conservative audiences.

Here are some of the Twitter posts from the companies:


Please spread the word.





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