Social PROOF Trump Indictment Will Likely Win Him 2024!
They often say that staying top of mind secures top sales. … Many corporations like Proctor & Gamble and Unilever live by this strategy—creating innumerable...
They often say that staying top of mind secures top sales. … Many corporations like Proctor & Gamble and Unilever live by this strategy—creating innumerable...
Alvin Bragg and his clowns are gearing up for their 15 minutes of fame. … According to sources, the NYPD is on FULL alert and...
The entire Stormy Daniels New York grand jury case is looking increasingly less tenable. I recently reported that Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg was allegedly caught...
The New York grand jury case can be summed up as communism on full display—that’s really what it is, not a legal proceeding. According to...
President Trump is still in the dark concerning potential charges in New York. … The 45th President of the United States still hasn’t been notified if he...
President Trump continues to face legal trouble on multiple fronts directly ahead of an election year. … To me, this signals complete desperation in the deep state...
Alvin Bragg is a disgrace to justice and a stain on the legal profession. According to Michael Cohen’s former legal counsel, Bob Costello, the Manhattan...
They finally caught Trump! I am, of course, joking—the most entrenched portions of the illiberal left are having a nationwide party in anticipation of a potential Trump...
Despite being proven right on literally everything, President Trump is in the hot seat, he just can’t seem to catch a break. The 45th President of...
He’s back baby! Following a broad 2-year social media suspension, President Trump is back on Facebook and YouTube: The 45th President of the United States...