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BREAKING: Manhattan DA Accused Of OBSCURING Evidence


Alvin Bragg is a disgrace to justice and a stain on the legal profession.

According to Michael Cohen’s former legal counsel, Bob Costello, the Manhattan DA hid hundreds of pages of exculpatory evidence from the grand jury.

This is in addition to the fact that Bragg’s entire case is built around testimony from Michael Cohen—a convicted perjurer and a criminal.

Sources allege that Cohen knowingly gave faulty legal advice to President Trump and his other clients—his reputation is far from gleaming and spotless.

From a legal standpoint, the New York grand jury case has been criticized almost universally and it’s doubtful that any potential charges will stick.

Here’s more on the story:

According to Fox News:

In a sudden turn of events, Cohen’s former attorney Robert Costello —no longer bound by the attorney-client privilege that was waived by his ex-client— testified before the grand jury on Monday. According to Costello, in April of 2018 Cohen repeatedly stated that the Daniels payment was intended to protect the candidate’s wife, not the campaign.

Moreover, Cohen insisted that he acted all on his own and not at the behest of Trump.

While testifying for over two hours, Costello said he realized that Bragg had been hiding from the grand jury nearly all of the files he had previously turned over to the DA that corroborated Cohen’s original story.


Trending Politics adds:

Harvard Law Professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz added his perspective on the charges being brought by the Manhattan D.A.

“You know, in my new book, “Get Trump,” I go through all of those four allegations and I say, there’s plenty of smoke, but there’s no fire,” Dershowitz argued. “And if there were a fire, it would be set by arsonists.”


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