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BREAKING: Pope Francis Hospitalized


BREAKING ALERT: Pope Francis has been hospitalized:

Reports are varying about whether this was for scheduled tests or whether it was what they found as a result of the scheduled tests.

In any event, Pope Francis has been kept in the hospital for further observation.

From the BBC:

Pope Francis is being kept in hospital for checks after attending a scheduled appointment at a hospital in Rome, Vatican sources say.

The pontiff’s closest staff, including security, are expected to stay the night at the Gemelli Hospital, a person with direct knowledge of the matter told the BBC.

Pope Francis’ schedule has reportedly been cancelled for the next two days.

A source said medical checks would continue for as long as necessary.

It is not clear whether a new ailment prompted his visit to hospital.

This is the busiest time of the year for Pope Francis, 86, with many events and services scheduled ahead of Palm Sunday and Easter weekend.

Meanwhile, AmericanMagazine reports he was taken by ambulance:

Pope Francis, 86, was taken to hospital in an ambulance around lunchtime today after he complained of chest pains, America has learned from senior Vatican sources who were not authorized to comment and Italian media.

The Vatican press office had said earlier on Wednesday that Francis was taken to the hospital for previously scheduled tests.

One source told America that Francis experienced the pains when he returned to Santa Marta, the Vatican residence where he resides, after conducting the usual Wednesday public audience where he seemed to be in good form. He canceled an interview with an Italian journalist that had been planned for after the audience.

When he experienced the pains, Massimiliano Strappetti, his personal health care assistant who always accompanies him, decided to call the ambulance, which took him to the Gemelli Hospital in Rome where he was taken immediately to the coronary unit for check-ups. He is still in hospital, and all audiences in the Vatican have been canceled until Saturday, a senior Vatican source told America.

He will stay overnight:

And from Reuters:

Pope Francis went to Rome’s Gemelli hospital for a check-up, his spokesman Matteo Bruni said in a brief statement on Wednesday, raising concerns about the health of the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

A Vatican source said the pope’s diary had been cleared to allow for medical tests to continue.

The Vatican gave no details about the condition of the 86-year-old pope. The website of Corriere della Sera newspaper said he had suffered “heart problems” in the morning and was taken to hospital by ambulance.

Italian media cast doubt on Bruni’s statement that the check-up had been scheduled, saying a television interview with the pope set for Wednesday afternoon had been cancelled at the last moment.

Quoting unnamed medical sources, Ansa news agency said doctors were not worried by the pope’s condition following their initial tests. The Vatican made no immediate comment on the reports.

In a related story, AI images have leaked depicting the Pope in a puffy Balenciaga jacket.




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