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The Bible is Racist Now?


So, the Bible is racist now?

Well, that’s what Texas Tech would have us think.

Mark Adams, the head basketball coach for Texas Tech has been suspended for racist comments.

What were these horrific, insensitive, and racial slurs he was spouting?

Oh, just something he pulled from the Bible.

According to Fox News, Adams made “an inappropriate, unacceptable, and racially insensitive comment” to a player.

The school said Adams was attempting to encourage the student-athlete, who was not named, “to be more receptive to coaching.”

The coach explained to Stadium on Sunday he was quoting a verse from the Bible and told one of the players there is “always a master and a servant.”

“I said that in the Bible that Jesus talks about how we all have bosses, and we all are servants,” Adams told Stadium. “I was quoting the Bible about that.”

“Upon learning of the incident, Hocutt addressed this matter with Adams and issued him a written reprimand. Hocutt subsequently made the decision to suspend Adams effective immediately in order to conduct a more thorough inquiry of Adams’ interactions with his players and staff.”

Can you believe this?

I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be shocked with it being open season on Christians.

Anyone with half a brain can understand the message behind Adams’ Biblical reference.

And NO, it was not racially motivated.

As a coach, he’s an authority figure.

Just like a parent, a teacher, or a boss.

Again, this requires at least half a brain and a few brain cells firing, so it’s understandable the Libs miss the point here, but slavery was commonplace when the Bible was written.

Likely, Adams was referencing a verse such as Ephesians 6:5

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. – Ephesians 6:5

Adams’ point was not to call the player a slave, it was to encourage him to be submissive, cooperative, and coachable.

But the ultra-sensitive woke libtards just can’t hear the word “slave” without bringing up black slaves and white masters.

The Dallas Morning News had this to say when covering the story:

Many of us who played sports can attest that a coach can wade into personal topics about ethics, ambition, character, hard work and sacrifice that are off-limits to other teachers.

But it’s also easy to see how Adam’s sermon was ill-conceived. He may not have meant to offend, but that’s what he did nonetheless. White men have been telling Black men to “know their place” for a long time in this country. Adams should have been wise and compassionate enough to avoid that dynamic.

Can we just pause for a moment to reflect on the time and place this Bible reference likely originated?

These New Testament letters were sent to places like Ephesus where Rome ruled.

Biblical scholar, Dr. Craig Keener explains,

Roman slavery, unlike later European slavery and much of (though not all of) Arab slavery, was nonracial; the Romans were happy to enslave anyone who was available.

Oops… there goes the Left’s racist argument!

Well, it must just be those mean old hateful Christians and their MAGA worldview.

Ummm … do these Woke Whack Jobs not realize that the Bible is not the only religious text that mentions slavery?

For instance, take verse 33:50 from the Quran:

Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you as booty.

Oops… there goes another argument!

Oh, silly me.


I forgot….

The Left can’t attack the Quran or any other religious text – just the Bible.

What are your thoughts?

Is this a complete overreaction by a woke administration or is the Bible really full of racial slurs?


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