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Biden Caught On Hot Mic?


Was Joe Biden just caught on a hot mic?

Time to Fact-Check!

Here’s the transcript of what people are claiming he said:

Biden: “You think any of these guys bought that bullsh**?”

Aide: “Totally”

Biden: “They’ll buy anything…Let’s get outta here.”

Now let’s watch the clip:

Backup here:



Even Scott Adams chimed in asking: “Is this real?”

My verdict?

UNPROVEN, but likely faked.

Not that I don’t believe he would say it.

He’s said much worse in the past!

But a couple things….

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One, the guy talking in the clip sounded a lot more “with it” and quick than Joe.

Second, if it was real I expect we’d have a much clearer recording.  Fakes always look and sound “fuzzy”.

Third, if it were real, many more people would be running with it.

So I have rate this one “Likely Faked”.

That said, he’s done and said MUCH worse in the past.

Remember this?

Biden Claimed He Never Called Troops “Stupid Bastards” During Debate: Here’s the Clip

During the first Presidential Debate, Trump accused Joe Biden of calling the troops “stupid bastards.”

Of course…

Biden claimed that he never said those things.

Unfortunately for him, we have the footage!

The Trump campaign even turned the clip of Joe Biden into an ad!

See it below:


Before the fact checkers try to “fact check” us, the Biden campaign claims that Joe made the comments as a joke.

It was in “jest,” as they say.

However, he says NEVER *said* the words.

And it’s clear he did.

As to whether or not the comments were a joke, we recommend watching the video and deciding for yourself.

According to American Military News:

In a 2016 speech to U.S. troops in the United Arab Emirates, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden told the troops to “Clap for that, you stupid bastards.” in a newly resurfaced video.

A Biden campaign spokesperson who spoke with The Daily Beast confirmed Biden’s remarks as accurate but said the remarks were made in jest, as Biden was touting U.S. Air Force Lt. Karen Johnson, for whom he had called on the troops to applaud. The video of Biden’s comments has been available on YouTube since 2017 but has now resurfaced with weeks to go before the Nov. 3, 2020, presidential election.

“Vice President Biden was jokingly encouraging the audience to clap for an airwoman on the stage, and a number of service members can be seen laughing and smiling at the comment,” Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates told The Daily Beast. “Seconds before, he praised them for ‘the incredible sacrifices [they] make for our country.’”

In the video, Biden says, “I’ve been in and out of the Balkans 25 times; in and out of Iraq 26 times; in and out of Afghanistan about 10 or 12 times. And I have one regret every time I’m with you all — and I mean this sincerely — is the folks back home can’t see you; can’t see you in place. Don’t get to fly on the mission with you. Don’t understand — they appreciate, but they don’t fully understand the incredible sacrifices you make for our country.”

Biden continued, saying, “I want you to know notwithstanding what you may hear about me, I have incredibly good judgment. One, I married Jill,” referring to wife Jill Biden, also in attendance. “And two, I appointed Johnson to the academy. I just want you to know that. Clap for that, you stupid bastards.”

“Man, you are a dull bunch,” Biden added. “Must be slow here, man. I don’t know.”

Forget whether or not this was a “joke.”

We know the truth.

If President Trump said the exact same thing… the media would never let it rest!


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