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It’s Time To Address Timothy Dixon and Robin Bullock


I was hoping to not have to write this article.

But something is wrong here.

Something started off good and has turned and is now troubling.

That’s not just my opinion, that’s what Mario Murillo is saying.

I had some of the same thoughts and held off saying anything because I thought I might be off base.

But you’ll notice I greatly reduced the amount of coverage we gave to Robin Bullock, Timothy Dixon and Kat Kerr.

And before that, last year I famously announced my issues with what Hank Kunneman had done.

You can read that here if you don’t know what I’m talking about: My Issue With Hank Kunneman

But now that I’ve seen what Mario Murillo posted (and thank you to all the people who forwarded it to me) I feel confident in posting this because perhaps I wasn’t off base at all.

Perhaps the concerns were real.

As always, I’ll let you decide.

I report, you decide.

Let’s start off with Kat Kerr.

I stopped covering Kat Kerr after she claimed to have deep insight about Walt Disney and some file that would be found on his desk by a janitor.

The way she was praising Walt Disney was my first red flag, as many of you know we do not think he was a great man….or even a good man.

So Kat praising Walt Disney put me on alert.

But then her story that she claims God told her about a file that would be found on Walt’s desk by a janitor.

Kat said the file was found by the janitor because it was almost glimmering…and it contained Walt’s last wishes about his movies.

Walt’s image would be restored! Kat declared.

Sounded fishy to me so I went digging.

Turns out Kat’s “revelation from God” was nothing more than a satirical article posted by DisneyDining, a satirical Disney website.

Here’s the portion of that article Kat “repurposed” as her revelation from God:

Now, thanks to the “Mousekeeping staff” at The Walt Disney Company offices in Burbank, California, the company has announced the end of all Disney remakes, effective May 1. Two members of the Mousekeeping team responsible for keeping offices at Disney sparkling and magical came across a file folder on the desk where former CEO Bob Iger sat during the last years of his time at the House of Mouse.

The folder caught the eye of the custodial duo, as it shimmered and sparkled, much like the EARidescence seen at Walt Disney World as part of the parks’ 50th anniversary celebration. The custodians quickly took the file folder to a supervisor who turned it over to management at Disney. Ultimately, the file folder made its way to the desk of CEO Bob Chapek, who says he was surprised by its contents.

“The folder was so brilliant, I had to shield my eyes,” Chapek recalls.

And what he found inside rendered him speechless for several moments. The file folder contained an addendum to Walt Disney’s final directives. The document title read, “Sequels, Disney Remakes, and Revisits,” though it reads more like a letter to future purveyors of the Disney company.

The addendum was specifically related to the subject of the remaking of Walt’s animated features, and the message was clear: Don’t do it.

It reads:

“Animation is a thing of wonder,” Walt writes. “It speaks to the child in all of us, whether we are 4 or 64. I’ve put my heart, my soul, (and a few times, my life savings) into these brilliant features. They cannot be made over. They cannot be revisited. They encapsulate a season of innocence, of childhood simplicity, of joy unspeakable not found in other venues.

Creating is, by definition, making something from nothing. To remake a film, to take what was, and even to grow it from there, is not creativity, as what is being made is not from nothing.

Here is the video where Kat tells the fantastical story of this gleaming file not realizing she took it from a satirical website:


So not only did Kat (allegedly) steal that story and use it as a claimed revelation from God, but she didn’t seem to notice it was satire!

I don’t know what is worse.

Actually, I do…it’s the first part.

I commented about this on the Elijah Streams video where Kat made this declaration and they deleted my comment.

This was not my comment, but others also did not agree with the message:

So that was Strike 1 in my mind for Kat Kerr.

This was Strike 2:

Strike 3 was worse…

I’m just going to post this and leave it be:

I’m not going to analyze that or break it down.

You decide for yourself.

But that was Strike 3 for me for Kat Kerr.

And it was Strike 1 for Robin Bullock.

Similar to my objections to Hank Kunneman, why did Robin just sit there and allow this to happen?

Why didn’t he speak up or stop it?


Now we flash forward to current time and in comes Mario Murillo.

Mario has been a core part of the FlashPoint group and it’s unclear if he’s still included or if he’s been ostracized after making these comments.

That will be interesting to watch and see.

But now we move forward to a very similar event happening again, but this time it’s Timothy Dixon “anointing” Robin Bullock.

And once again Robin sits and takes it all in without objection.

First I’ll give you the video from Rumble:

Now I’m going to give you Mario’s post and comments.



The alarming message Timothy Dixon gave about Robin Bullock

As of this blog, I am fully handing this case over to the leadership of the Body of Christ. It is up to you to do your duty on behalf of the sheep of God. I am finished with this conversation, and from now on, I am concentrating on winning as many souls to Christ as I possibly can.

The video and the transcription of Timothy Dixon’s exact words are irrefutable evidence of an alarming development.

I am finished with this conversation, and from now on, I am concentrating on winning as many souls to Christ as I possibly can.

Before Paul the Apostle died, he warned Timothy of a strange appetite among the people to hear new and exotic words. His words are fulfilled in the situation described below.

As I hand this over to the leaders of the Church, I invoke these verses: 2 Timothy 4: 2-4, “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.”

Do your duty, leaders!

If no one else takes up the cause of the danger I am addressing, there will be no blood on my hands. We are not talking about a harmless imbalance. This is not gossip.

I am from San Francisco. There, I witnessed the rise of the evil of the People’s Temple and the destruction caused by Jim Jones. 900 people from my city lost their lives in a mass suicide. I saw the gradual exaltation and the almost infallible status that was heaped on Jim Jones by his followers.

I am not saying that Robin Bullock is another Jim Jones. But I cannot avoid observing the trajectory I see in Timothy Dixon’s words. In my opinion, they contain a cult-like exaltation of Robin Bullock.

In the video, Robin Bullock is shown, intermittently, standing offstage, to Timothy Dixon’s left, and Timothy is addressing him directly.

Here now is the transcription of the video, which is so alarming.

“Me and Robin in this dream we walked through the streets of glory. I’m going to tell it, anyway. I’m asking you to keep your mind pure. Me and Robin was walking through heaven. We had entered into the courts, and we had no clothes on. None. And we was comin’ before the Lord bare.

“Then, when it changed. Robin had on like a camel’s vest, that wrapped around him. It didn’t girdle around his waist, but it wrapped around his neck. We walked in and Robin had a huge, huge scroll in his hand, and I was following him as he took the lead…”

And the reaction you can hear, of some of the audience cheering when the reference is made, is equally terrifying.

That is the portion you can see on the video.

The reference to nudity in heaven should be revolting to any rational believer, since every reference to believers in heaven has them clothed in robes of righteousness. But ‘visions’ of this sort are not rare among cults. The trend toward sensuality is almost universal. And the reaction you can hear, of some of the audience cheering when the reference is made, is equally terrifying.

But, to me, the worst thing is that Robin did not take a stand, nor did he try to stop this insanity. Why did he allow Dixon to continue? There is only one conclusion to be drawn: he was in full agreement with what Dixon was saying. Especially when you consider what came next.

Why did he allow Dixon to continue?

Here is what he said next:

Dixon: “(a man) come to me, and he looked like John the Baptist. And I asked the Lord, “Who is he?” (The Lord) asked me, “Would you receive him, if he came today?” And I looked at him and I said, “I don’t know.” (to the audience) He looked like a hippie. I was raised Pentecostal; you had to look like me. I said, “Lord, you know I will (receive John the Baptist if he came today). You know I’m not like that. Lord, you know I see the heart.” He (the Lord) said, “You will receive him, but most of the world won’t, they will never recognize the power in which he will come in.” And, (again speaking to the audience, he added) my hand to the good Lord, it was Robin Bullock.” (Dixon then pointed off camera, apparently to Robin Bullock, who soon came onstage).

Here is the video where he said those words:

Timothy Dixon said that God identified Robin Bullock as John the Baptist. And that Robin would come in “power” that most of the world won’t recognize.

But again, let me point out that Robin did not shut this down. That is called tacit approval. It was clear that Robin totally received the exalted position Dixon was describing.

Is Robin Bullock truly John the Baptist, alive again?

The questions for the leaders of the Body of Christ are:

Is Robin Bullock truly John the Baptist, alive again?

And: What power does Robin Bullock believe he now rightfully possesses over people? We know that in Nashville he ordered the crowd to never doubt the prophets.

I leave it up to the leadership to answer these questions. Do your duty.

Oh my…

I don’t even think I need to add anything, I will just let Mario’s post stand on its own.

And I’ll let YOU decide.

Oh, and one more thing.

Mario followed that post up with another one addressing the question he kept getting about “Why didn’t you address this privately with them?”

I feel ya Mario!

I got the same exact question over and over when I posted my concerns about Hank Kunneman.

And I gave the same answer as Mario just gave here.

Right on MM, I agree 100%.

Read this:

Why didn’t you go to them privately?

Why didn’t you go to them privately?

Perhaps you read my previous blog entitled Mario, where have you been?

I went through a fiery ordeal before I obeyed God and wrote it.  I thought, ‘Why should I wade into such controversy and incur the grief?’

 -Over 95,000 people read it on our website, alone. 97% of the comments agreed with the article. You couldn’t get 97% of the population to agree that the earth is round.

-It strengthened our support among local pastors nationwide. That is something very precious to me—winning souls and getting new converts into healthy churches.

These pastors felt correction was long overdue. Pentecostals and Spirit-filled believers were fast losing credibility because of the prophetic swamp. Not to mention the slander on the Gospel.

This is not a defense of what I wrote. The truth of what I said stands. I wrote this blog only to the honest hearts, who sincerely wonder why I did not go to these false prophets first before going public. I am also providing it as ammunition for those who agree with me. It will help them rebut those who reject the truth by using this as an excuse.

This is not a defense of what I wrote. The truth of what I said stands.


Jesus did not take either the Pharisees or the money changers aside privately before He rebuked them publicly.

Mario, why didn’t you go to these false teachers privately, before you corrected them publicly?Several who asked this question cited Matthew 18:15, “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.”

Let me explain why this verse does not apply to this situation: These two false ministers did not sin against me. They did their damage publicly and to the church. Jesus did not take either the Pharisees or the money changers aside privately before He rebuked them publicly. A verse that fits is this situation is 1 Timothy 5:20 says “Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.”

Likewise, Paul did not have time to touch base with every false teacher before they rebuked them. The shepherd never negotiates with the wolf before going into action.

By the way, both Paul and John both wrote letters that rebuked false teachers by name.

Think about it. Peter—a true man of God—was rebuked publicly, without a private meeting. How much more then should false ministers be rebuked publicly?

Paul did not take Peter aside privately before rebuking him publicly. Galatians 2:11-14, “Now when Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed; for before certain men came from James, he would eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision. And the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the Gospel, I said to Peter before them all, “If you, being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel Gentiles to live as Jews?”

Think about it. Peter—a true man of God—was rebuked publicly, without a private meeting. How much more then should false ministers be rebuked publicly?

Again, I wrote this to help the honest hearts who were troubled by the public rebuke.

What I have said about Kat Kerr and Robin Bullock stands.

What I said about Kat Kerr and Robin Bullock stands. There is no need to defend it. Facts are facts. I stand by what I have written. I simply told the truth. What you do with the truth is your responsibility.

Winston Churchill said, “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”


Ok folks, there you have it!

Unfortunately, serious concerns remain about Hank Kunneman, Robin Bullock, Kat Kerr and Timothy Dixon.

It’s so disappointing because they all started off so strong, so good….so humble and wholesome.

It started very simple: wonderful praise and worship for Jesus Christ + great Biblical teaching.

Along the way, something change…

Something got off course…

And unfortunately now we are here.

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I will echo Mario’s sentiments: I really didn’t want to post this.  I didn’t want to wade into the discussion.  But I feel I needed to address it given the attention we have given to them in the past.

Mario must have felt the same way I can imagine.

He didn’t just write articles about them like we did, he often shared the stage or shared an interview with them.

So we both felt compelled to address this once and I have no plans to continue discussing it or giving additional coverage UNLESS one of these four wants publicly go on record saying the don’t agree with this either and changing their course.

We would definitely cover that.

Until then, this is Noah signing off of this topic.


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