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A Big Fart On The View?


And now a word from The View:

Lol, sorry about that, I got distracted.

And I am going to apologize one additional time before we get started…

This article is very juvenile in nature.

It involves farts and fart jokes.

If you’re a 7th grade boy, you might find this hilarious….

Hey, as always, I don’t make the news I just report it.

And today the report involves a huge fart being ripped by one of the “ladies” on The View.

Judge for yourself, this should start at the key moment at the 4:20 minute mark:

I can’t run this story and not think instantly about another story.

I wonder if you can guess?

Maybe you had the same thought.

Eric “the Farter” Swalwell.

Ah, what a distinguished member of Congress.

Remember when he did this on live TV?

Remember When Eric Swalwell Farted on Live TV?

Remember when Eric Swalwell farted on live TV?

Remember when he got caught banging a Chinese spy?

Remember how the Democrats did NOTHING about any of it?

Well, for right now let’s just focus on the first one.

I still can’t believe this actually happened….but it did.

This isn’t edited.

It isn’t a Deep Fake.

This is Eric Swalwell ripping a huge fart on live TV over on MSDNC.

Watch here on Rumble:

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Another version:

More breakdown:

And here he is trying to defend himself.

Notice he doesn’t say it was edited or fake:

What a dork!


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