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Is This Why Egg Prices Are So High?


Inflation is up everywhere, but nowhere as much as in eggs!

You know, the things that chickens are supposed to lay dozens of each day?

The price is suddenly skyrocking, as we all know if we’ve bothered to visit a grocery store in the last 90 days.

So the question is: why?

I have a couple answers.

Let’s start here:

And then here:

Those are what we call eye-witness reports!

But now let’s go deeper…

Look at all these reports:

It’s all over Facebook too:

Reports from all over the country, one common theme:


Confirmed and corroborated:

Here’s what my friends over at The Gateway Pundit had to say:

Online claims have emerged, corroborated by others, that the popular “Producer’s Pride” chicken feed sold by the Tractor Supply chain has been recently altered and that its new formulation is causing chickens to stop laying eggs. Some suggest a deliberate reduction in the amount of protein in the feed may be causing the reduction in egg production.

Hens do lay fewer eggs in the winter time due to reduced sunlight. Farmers have often used a light to expose hens to longer light so as to produce more egg-laying. Yet farmer sources report that they are seeing a much-greater-than-normal reduction in egg production, to the point where many report that hens are laying zero eggs instead of merely a reduced laying frequency. There is no word on whether this is a temporary or a permanent change among Tractor Supply feed.

This news comes as chicken and egg prices reach historic highs, caused in part by Avian Flu, but also as rampant inflation under the Biden regime causing prices to erratically jump among suppliers and subsequently among common consumer products. Egg prices have gone from $1.71 per dozen 18 months ago to an average over $7 per dozen today.

Not all hen layer feeds seem to be affected. In a quote to the Gateway Pundit, spokeswoman for Nature’s Best Organic Feeds Courtney Price said, “there have been absolutely no changes to our premium feed formulas” and that they have not heard any customer criticisms or complaints about their non-GMO chicken feed products. Price continued, “We pride ourselves here at Kreamer Feed on premium nutrition for animals nationwide, and all of the products in our organic, non-GMO brand Nature’s Best Organic Feeds line is no exception.”

The U.S. poultry feed market is $5 billion per year. Two of the most popular chicken feeds available for, and marketed to, backyard chicken homesteaders are “Producer’s Pride” owned by the Tractor Supply corporation and the “Dumor” brand owned by Purina.

These two layer feeds seem to be the primary brands mentioned by those experiencing chicken flocks who suddenly stop laying eggs.

Recent reports of chickens not laying comes in the wake of ongoing public concerns that the World Economic Forum is artificially causing food scarcity. The WEF has been widely criticized for repeatedly encouraging citizens to eat bugs in lieu of animal protein.

Tractor Supply’s CEO is Hal Lawton, based in Nashville, Tennessee. Tractor Supply is a publicly-listed company with $13 billion in annual revenue, 46,000 employees, and 2,003 locations in 49 U.S. states. Tractor Supply is specifically marketed to more rural Americans, where their company tagline is “for life out here.”

Tractor Supply has a board of directors composed of 10 individuals. One of them, Joy Brown, is a former executive for Vanguard, an index fund with $5 trillion under management. The three big index funds, Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street, substantially financially support the World Economic Forum for the western world, and sources say also for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for the eastern world.

These various funds are also behind the “social credit” and “ESG” left-wing movements among corporate America to force businesses into left-wing economic and cultural compliance. Another current Tractor Supply board member, Thomas Kingsbury, bragged about implementing ESG initiatives while an executive at Kohl’s.

Another Tractor Supply board member Andre Hawaux is a former executive with ConAgra, which has been criticized for using genetically modified organisms to change the genetic composition of its foods which dissident voices say causes sterility.

One Wyoming farmer described ConAgra to the Gateway Pundit as ‘a bunch of crooks’ that make seeds for farmers that eventually go sterile, and also make the soil sterile. Part of their motivation, he says, is to use gene splicing which is, he says, “bad for both plants and humans.” ConAgra and other companies were widely criticized 20 years ago for developing sterile seeds on purpose, which critics labelled ‘suicide seeds’ or ‘terminator seeds’, that would stop seeds from reproducing so as to force farmers to continually buy seeds only from licensed distributors rather than growing their own replacements.

I think this is a HUGE reason…

I also think this had a big part to do with it:

The REAL Reason Eggs Cost So Much…

Have you been wondering why EGGS of all things cost so much recently?

Yes, I know inflation is going up.

But why are eggs suddenly skyrocketing?

According to this chart, they’re the 3rd highest riser, behind only gas and airfare:

So what gives?

Many left-wing poindexters are pointing to the “bird flu” as the reason.

However, non-poindexter free thinkers realize it probably has MUCH more to do with the fact we killed all the chickens and destroyed all the processing plants:

Here’s a zoom in to read the full list:

Of course, we’ve been covering this from the beginning…

I think we’ve probably done a story on every single one of the events on this list.

When you destroy millions of chickens, and also the facilities where they are raised and processed, is it any wonder chickens and eggs are scarce and suddenly expensive?

Here is just some of our coverage from along the way:

ENGINEERED COLLAPSE: Festive Foods Suffers Mysterious Fire

It just keeps happening

Once or twice would fall squarely in the realm of coincidence, but according to The Gateway Pundit, 99 of these mysterious food processing incidents have occurred over the last year and a half.

The latest of these incidents struck a Festive Foods processing plant in Portage County, Wisconsin.

Sources say a fire broke out at roughly 9 A.M. on June 13th but was eventually suppressed through the work of multiple fire crews—no one was hurt as a result of the fire.

What is going on here? Why have there been so many of these tragic incidents in such a short amount of time? Are we truly expected to believe that all of this is random?

Festive Foods posted this statement after the tragic fire swept through their facility:

WAOW, ABC-9 provided updates:

Waupaca Area Fire District Chief Jerry Deuman says the fire was caused by work being done in the compressor room at Festival Foods and sparks spread to the walls.

Once they arrived, Deuman said they saw lots of black smoke and tried getting inside, but the smoke was so intense that they had to fight the fire from outside.

The Gateway Pundit included a list of all 99 incidents that have occurred in the last year and a half, I encourage you to check it out:

As the Gateway Pundit reported, at least 19 major fires, including this recent incident, have erupted at food industry facilities and plants over the past six months. All of the fires have been officially listed as accidental or inconclusive.

Fires and Explosions Destroy 20+ Food Processing Plants Moments After Biden Warns of Food Shortages

What are the odds?

Just after Joe Biden warned the nation of “very real” food shortages, multiple food processing plants and food companies were destroyed or damaged.

Multiple fires and explosions have been reported at these plants across the nation.

But here’s the thing: fires and explosions are rare at food companies.

Sure, it happens occasionally. That’s what you call an emergency.

But what are the odds of multiple “emergencies” happening just as Biden warns of food shortages?

In fact, over 20 food processing plants were shut down due to these issues.

Don’t believe us?

More details below:

A town of 35,000 people were ordered to either evacuate or seek shelter in California.


Because a food plant was on fire and local emergency crews were afraid that the fire could cause a massive bomb-like explosion.

According to US News:

Firefighters contained a massive blaze at a central California food processing plant that prompted authorities to tell thousands of nearby residents to evacuate Thursday and to order tens of thousands more to stay inside their homes.

The fire started Wednesday night at the Taylor Farms packaged salad plant in Salinas, about 110 miles (177 kilometers) south of San Francisco.

The flames were under control by late morning Thursday, but the shelter-in-place and evacuation orders remained while hazardous materials crews worked the scene, said Sophia Rome, a spokesperson for the city of Salinas.

Authorities initially said they feared the fire could generate an explosion and a plume of hazardous ammonia, but the Salinas Fire Department said later that those threats appeared to be minimal.

About 2,700 people living closest to the plant were told that they should evacuate, while 35,000 more were ordered to shelter inside their homes, the Monterey County Office of Emergency Services said in a statement.

Those staying home were told to shut windows and to turn off ventilation systems “until further notice,” the statement said. The shelter-in-place and evacuation orders were finally lifted at about 1:30 p.m.

In addition to this happening at numerous plants, isn’t it weird that the news hasn’t covered any of these stories?


These plants and warehouses are filled with tons of chemicals and equipment that can easily explode.

Yet… the news doesn’t seem to care.

Look, whenever there’s an apartment fire in a major city like New York City, nearly every news network covers it.

Because of safety standards and improved safety materials, it’s rare for a large fire to happen.

So whenever a massive fire happens in a commercial setting, industrial setting, or in a city skyscraper, it’s national news.

Yet this has happened at over 20+ food plants and no one in the media (except FOX… and us) are asking this question!

And as these fires and explosions continue, Biden is warning about a food shortage.

Here’s the thing.

Biden is the supposed leader of the most powerful country in the world.

Why is Biden even warning about what could happen months from now?

Shouldn’t he be taking action NOW to prevent a food shortage if it’s so obvious it’s coming?

What has he done to keep us safe?

What has he done to improve your life.

But here’s the bad part.

Rather than blaming his own policy, Biden is blaming… you guessed it… Russia.

According to Fox News:

“The price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia,” he added. “It’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well.”

“The price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia,” he added. “It’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well.”

Biden said “Russia and Ukraine have been the breadbasket of Europe in terms of wheat” and insisted that he and other leaders had a “long discussion in the G7” about the need to “increase and disseminate” food production.

“In addition to that, we talked about urging all the European countries, and everyone else, to end trade … limitations on sending food abroad,” Biden said. “And, so, we are in the process of working out with our European friends what it would take to help alleviate the concerns relative to the food shortages.”

Biden’s warning of a “real” food shortage and the impact it will have on America and European countries following the implementation of sanctions on the Russian economy comes after White House press secretary Jen Psaki said this week that Americans are unlikely to face a food shortage.

“While we’re not expecting a food shortage here at home, we do anticipate that higher energy, fertilizer, wheat, and corn prices could impact the price of growing and purchasing critical fuel supply, food supplies for countries around the world,” Psaki said. “And early estimates from the World Bank suggest disproportionate impacts on low and middle-income countries including in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.”

So what do you think?

Are these fires and explosions a coincidence?

Or do you think there’s something that the Biden regime is hiding from us?

And one final question: are you personally preparing for these predicted “food shortages?”

Let us know in the comments below!

Goya Foods CEO Warns Everyone: “We’re On The Precipice Of A Global Food Crisis” 🚨

What To Do About Skyrocketing Food Prices? Start Here...

Just announced: Russia is stopping all wheat exports for the rest of the year. And China has been stockpiling food.

By mid-2022, China will hold 69% of the world’s corn reserves, 60% of rice reserves, and 51% of its wheat, according to the USDA.

American farmers are working hard to fill the gap -- but fertilizer prices are skyrocketing. They could go up 80% this year, according to a Texas A&M economist.

And then there’s Biden’s gas price increase. With gas prices doubling, the cost of getting food to your grocery store keeps going up, too.

It’s a triple-whammy for food prices: Less food in the international markets, higher fertilizer costs and higher transportation costs.

Analysts say there’s no way around it: Food prices are going up.

Going up "BIG LEAGUE" you might say.

(By the way, it was always "Big League" not "Bigly"...but I digress).

Fortunately, there’s a way to lock in food at today’s prices – plus provide a massive safety net for YOU and YOUR FAMILY if things get worse.

"WHEN" things get worse?

For the first time in a long time, nuclear war is a possibility. Then, there are the everyday things that can disrupt supply chains: Cyberattacks. Power grid failure. Calamitous weather.

It’s time to wonder:

Can we go a week without going to the grocery store?

What if it were a month?

Or 3 months? Or 6 months?

Looking at the crazy state of the world, you’ve probably put some money away (and hopefully, some gold and silver).

But have you put some long-lasting food away for when things get worse?

If you haven’t already, check out (ordering through this link and the links below benefits We Love Trump). is the largest preparedness company in the nation, with millions of American families served.

Their food kits are packed with 2,000-plus calories a day – and people say they taste as good as homemade meals. They’ve got chefs on staff who have cooked up delicious original recipes.

People love the food -- has nearly 50,000 4-star and 5-star reviews online.

Plus, these meals last a long time -- some for as long as 30 years.

That’s long enough you can put them in a closet or back pantry -- and not worry anymore.

After you get long-lasting meals from, you won't need to worry about a lot of things.

You won’t worry anymore about international food markets.

You won’t worry about what can disrupt the food supply chain.

You won’t worry about grocery store shelves being empty.

You won’t worry about the hungry mouths around you.

Because you’re prepared.

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