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Dan Crenshaw Calls Republicans Refusing to Support McCarthy “Terrorists”


After losing three votes for House Speaker on Tuesday, Kevin McCarthy lost three additional votes on Wednesday.

Despite getting President Trump’s endorsement, McCarthy failed to secure enough votes to become House Speaker.

The House reportedly adjourned until 8 p.m. on Wednesday after the sixth vote.

In total, 20 Republicans still refuse to vote for Kevin McCarthy.

On Wednesday, Rep. Dan Crenshaw expressed his sentiments about the 20 holdouts on the Guy Benson Show.

He called the 20 Republicans pushing back against the GOP establishment “terrorists.”

“We cannot let the terrorists win,” Crenshaw said.


In an interview with CNN’s Manu Raju, Crenshaw referred to the 20 Republican defectors as “enemies” and labeled them “narcissists.”

He referred to their opposition to the establishment as narcissism.

“But if you’re a narcissist and you believe your opinion is so much more important than anyone else’s, then you keep going. And you’ll threaten to tear down the team for it for the benefit of the Democrats just for your own sense of self-importance. That’s exactly what’s happening here,” Crenshaw said.

“They are enemies now,” he declared.

“They have made it clear that they prefer a Democrat agenda than a Republican one.”


In an interview with Fox & Friends, Crenshaw accused the holdouts of being paid off by Democrats.

“If I didn’t know any better, it’s like the Democrats paid these people off … ‘Let’s make it look like the Republicans can’t govern and don’t deserve any gavels,'” Crenshaw complained.


According to Rep. Lauren Boebert, McCarthy rejected a deal that would have secured him 218 votes.

The proposal included “common sense” measures, including a border security bill, term limits, and reducing the federal deficit.

House Adjourned For The Day After McCarthy Gets Denied 3 TIMES

Are those measures not "common sense" to the RINOs of the GOP establishment?



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