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Everything You Need To Know About Pizzagate (FULLY SOURCED)!


This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.


I already have two articles on this. The first is about connections and the second is about code words. I was going to make a part three but I’ve just decided to create an article that covers everything! This article will be entirely sourced with the majority of the links archived! You can find parts one and two here and here. Let’s begin…



This investigation was sparked by strange emails leaked from John Podesta’s email account, some of which make bizarre references to food. One such email discussed a handkerchief Podesta left behind at a friend’s house. The handkerchief was described as having a “map that seems pizza-related.” Given the common pedophile code phrase “cheese pizza”, some readers suspected “pizza-related” may have been a reference to child sex abuse. The suspected use of “pizza” as a codeword led us to investigate a pizza restaurant mentioned in one of Podesta’s emails, namely Comet Pizza and Ping Pong, owned by an associate of the Podestas. We have found considerable evidence that Comet is a front for child sex trafficking.

  • Exhibit A: Evidence Pertaining to Comet Pizza and Ping Pong

As demonstrated in Exhibit D, we have connected owner James Alefantis to accused child trafficker Laura Silsby, who was got off the hook by a fake attorney who was later convicted of sex trafficking, and who was wanted for sex trafficking in four countries. Alefantis had a statue of Antinous as his Instagram profile picture. Antinous was the boy lover of a Roman Emperor and is considered a symbol of pederasty. On his “jimmycomet” Instagram account, Alefantis posted a baby picture and made a clear pedophile reference. The brother of Jeffrey B. Smith (“werkinonmahnightcheese”), who commented on several of the suspect Instagram photos, referred to a friend as “my favorite pedo”.

Listed first on Comet’s website under “friends of comet” is the band Heavy Breathing, which performs at Comet. Heavy Breathing leader “Majestic Ape” wears a ski mask and sunglasses, and uses a voice modulator, hiding his or her identity. Majestic Ape joked about pedophile Jared Fogle and said “we all have our preferences, hee hee hee”. YouTube, bringing laughter from the audience. In another video, Majestic Ape talks about killing a baby(YouTube). Majestic Ape also referenced pedophilia in a caption on a music video. Heavy Breathing’s website features art involving both children and sex.

An employee of Comet posted many images portraying pizza in a sexual way., further fueling our suspicion they are using “pizza” as it is commonly used by pedophiles: a symbol and codeword for sex with minors. Another example. An admitted pedophile on a dark-web pedophile forum acknowledged a trend of pedophiles using pizza parlors as fronts for child sex trafficking. Convicted sex offender Robert L. Robinson, who raped a 13-year-old girl, had a Flikr account with five pages of “favorite” pictures, half of which featured young girls, and the other half of which featured… Comet Pizza and Ping Pong.

Please examine these symbols designated by the FBI as pedophile symbols. Besta Pizza, which is three doors down from Comet, had a logo that is a near-exact match of the boylover symbol. Another nearby business, Terasol, had a girl-lover symbol on their website. No direct connection to Besta or Terasol has yet been uncovered, but the logos seem quite a coincidence. With that in mind, take a look at Comet’s logo. It also resembles a pedophile symbol.

General creepiness seems to surround Comet. Alefantis posted a photo of a child taped to a ping-pong table. He also posted a photo of a walk-in cooler, to which he commented “#murder” and to which Jeffrey B. Smith commented “#killroom.” Alefantis also posted a picture of Tony Podesta’s sculpture modeled after a Dahmer victim and one of “spirit-cooking” queen Marina Abramovic. Comet had a painting of a man playing ping pong, to which graffiti had been added to show him ejaculating on the table and wearing a Satanic upside-down cross. Comet had murals of people with heads cut off, and the artist who painted the murals also painted adults decapitating children.

Pizzagate researcher Ryan O’Neal posted a YouTube video in which he claims James Alefantis threatened his life and the lives of his family(YouTube) to bully O’Neal into removing a video about Alefantis’ “Pegasus Museum” from YouTube. O’Neal showed text messages, which appear to be from Alefantis, bullying him into calling Alefantis. O’Neal claims that when he called, Alefantis immediately began screaming at him and threatening him and his family. O’Neal filed a police report over the alleged threats.

  • Exhibit B: Evidence Pertaining to John and Tony Podesta

John Podesta is the former Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton and was the Chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Tony Podesta runs The Podesta Group, a major lobbying firm. The Podestas are associates of James Alefantis, as detailed in Exhibit C. They are also good friends with known and admitted pedophile, former Republican congressman Dennis Hastert. John Podesta received an email suggesting that Hastert should vanish to an undisclosed Japanese island after the news of Hastert’s pedophilia broke.

Now, let’s discuss the specific emails that led to our investigation of Comet. John Podesta received an email from Tam Luzzatto saying that children of ages 11, 9, and 7 will be “in the pool for further entertainment” and stating that the children “will definitely be in that pool”.

In another email, Podesta was told that he left behind a black-and-white handkerchief “with a map that seems pizza-related”. A handkerchief with a “pizza-related” map? What the…? Note that in the gay community, handkerchiefs are sometimes used as code for sexual preferences. It is possible that others have adopted this code as well. Black symbolizes BDSM/domination in this code; some have suggested that white could symbolize pedophilia, due to the association of white with innocence and purity. Furthermore, as discussed previously, “cheese pizza” is a common code phrase meaning “child pornography,” so “pizza” could be an adaptation of that.

In another suspiciously cryptic email, a friend complained that Podesta had changed “strategies that have long been in place” and remarked that Podesta sent him “cheese” instead of “pasta,” asking if Podesta thought he would do better “playing dominoes on cheese than on pasta”. Why would Podesta regularly send this person pasta, why would there need to be a strategy long in place for doing so, and who plays dominoes on cheese or pasta?

Tony Podesta sent John Podesta an email titled “Last night was fun.” The email read simply “still in the torture chamber”. One could argue this could have been a metaphor, but consider it in light of the fact that Tony Podesta collects art by Biljana Djurdjevic, which references or depicts extreme physical and sexual abuse of children. He also collects photos of naked teenagers, and he has a taste for art portraying cannibalism and murder, such as his headless Arch of Hysteria statue which seems to reproduce one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s decapitated victims. John Podesta also likes artwork portraying cannibalism, such as this piece in his office.

  • Exhibit C: Alefantis’ Connections to the Podestas and Clintons

James Alefantis himself was deemed one of the 50 most powerful people of Washington D.CPNG by GQ magazine.
He was the romantic partner of David Brock. David Brock is the Chief of Media Matters, a major instrument of the Democratic Party. Brock is also the founder of Correct the Record, a Super PAC that supported the Clinton campaign.

James Alefantis is seen with Tony Podesta here and here. An email from Alefantis to Tony Podesta, which Tony Podesta forwarded to John Podesta had an attached file which was an image of Hillary’s Logo with a pizza slice in it, above a Comet logo. Alefantis also made desserts for a Clinton campaign event. (Notice another photo with Alefantis and Tony Podesta together, and that Alefantis visited the White House on at least five occasions.) Clinton personally thanked Alefantis for cooking for one of her fundraisers. Comet received payments of over $20k from American Bridge 21st Century PAC, a primary funder of which is billionaire Clinton-backer, George Soros. Payments can be seen herehere, and here.

  • Exhibit D: Additional Evidence Implicating the Clintons Specifically

NOTE: All previously cited evidence implicates the Clintons, as John Podesta has been their right-hand man, and as James Alefantis is closely associated with the Clinton Campaign and major Democratic Party leaders.

Bill Clinton is known to have flown multiple times on the “Lolita Express” of disgraced billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein to visit Epstein’s private “pedophile island,” Little St. James. Hillary Clinton also joined him on occasion. Bill Clinton even ditched the Secret Service to make these trips Interestingly, Jeffrey Epstein claimed to be a co-founder of the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary Clinton was sent email updates on the prosecution of Laura Silsby, who was caught trafficking children in Haiti. Laura Silsby was got off the hook by Jorge Puello, who was later convicted of sex trafficking and was wanted on charges of sex trafficking in four countries. Additional source. Izette Folger, a close friend of James Alefantis, gave a statement in support of Silsby. Folger is the daughter of Michael Maccoby, who coaches leaders of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, or NPH, a large organization that runs orphanages all over the world. His son, Max Maccoby, is on the Board of Directors of an NPH orphanage called Friends of the Orphans, which is one of 760 orphanages operating in Haiti and happens to be the orphanage from which Silsby was caught trafficking children. Max Maccoby gave an emphatic and lengthy statement of support for Comet during a contentious neighborhood commission meeting. The relevant portion of the audio file starts at 31:40.

Frank Giustra owner of the Radcliffe Foundation is on the board of directors for the Clinton Foundation and is a major Clinton Foundation donor. The logo of Elpida Home, a refugee center founded by the Radcliffe Foundation, happens to be almost identical to the pedophile boylover symbol.

Now we must reveal a spark, before Podesta’s strange emails, that fueled this investigation.

A purported FBI leaker posted claims on 4chan’s “/pol/,” an anonymous political forum. Admittedly, the forum he chose is not exactly reputable. However, this fits with his claim that he wanted to surround himself with noise in order to prevent his FBI superiors from detecting him, and it fits because he knew many in that anti-Clinton audience would take him seriously and investigate, employing what the forum’s users call “weaponized autism.” The alleged leaker’s central claim was that the NYPD and FBI had discovered immensely scandalous information about Hillary Clinton through Anthony Weiner’s laptop, but the FBI is not yet acting on the information for reasons we will not discuss here. For our purposes, the relevant allegation is this: The purported leaker alleged that the Clinton Foundation is a front for human trafficking, including child sex trafficking. He told us, “Dig deep and you will find it. It’s sickening.” Well, we’ve been digging, and we seem to be finding it. Summaries of the leaker’s claims can be found here: Part 1Part 2Part 3.

  • Exhibit E: Media Coverup Efforts

The same establishment elites who try to control politics also control the mainstream media (this includes Fox News). They do not want corruption of this magnitude to be exposed. As soon as word of Pizzagate went viral, the mainstream media began a coverup campaign. They began denouncing the allegations as “false,” “hoax,” and “fake news,” without directly addressing the evidence.

Prima facie, the media have no basis for labeling an ongoing investigation, which is entirely rooted in real evidence, as “fake news.” In fact, Pizzagate is not an allegation of a specific, individual crime (e.g. the abuse of a specific child on a specific day and time). Rather, it is an investigation into the possibility of certain individuals being involved in certain kinds of criminal activity. Therefore, labeling Pizzagate “false/hoax/fake” is patently absurd and dishonest, especially considering the media’s refusal to address the evidence directly.

The Washington D.C. Metro Police Department claimed it investigated Pizzagate and concluded the allegations are false. However, a response to an FOIA request demonstrated that no investigation was conductedYouTube. Therefore, the position of the DC Metro Police must be based on (1) the dishonest media coverage of Pizzagate, (2) willful complicity in the coverup, or (3) some combination of both.

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman banned the Pizzagate research community from Reddit on bogus grounds, accusing us of engaging in a “witch hunt,” even though they only used publicly-available information, and never called for vigilantism or harassment of any kind. While we understand Reddit may have had legitimate concerns of legal action, there is plenty of reason and evidence to believe the decision was politically motivated.

Bot accounts denying PizzagateJPG have been discovered on TwitterPNG. Twitter has also been suspending accounts of users who discuss Pizzagate and censoring #Pizzagate from its list of most tweeted hashtags. Facebook has plans to censor what it deems “fake news.”

  • Exhibit F: Further Supporting Evidence and Historical Precedents

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement sting operation called “Project Flicker” caught 5,200 people purchasing child pornographyYouTube. Of these, at least 264 were Pentagon employees or Pentagon contractors. Some of them had security clearances at the top-secret level or higher.

There was a 1994 Discovery Channel Documentary(YouTube) that covered pedophilia rampant in our government, but it was banned and never aired.

Washington Post reported that sex slavery is a big problem in D.C.

The largest pedophile ring ever discovered was exposed by the FBI coincidentally after Anthony Weiner’s laptop was taken.

Another pedophile ring exposed in Norway.

Some historical precedents include Margaret Thatcher’s coverup of VIP pedophilia in the UK, the Dutroux Affair of Belgium, and the Savile scandal in the UK.

Massive pedophile ring of over 70,000 busted.

Operation Cross Country X.


Comet Pizza is a pizza place owned by James Alefantis, who is the former gay boyfriend of David Brock, the CEO of Correct The Record. It has been the venue for dozens of events for the Hillary campaign staff. John Podesta has had campaign fundraisers there for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. John’s brother and business partner Tony Podesta has his birthday party there every year.

It’s also a dive that according to reviews and photos has hidden bathroom doors and creepy murals. The bathrooms in particular have murals exclusively of nude women, as well as a great deal of graffiti relating to sex. Reviews of the restaurant are bizarrely polarized. Websites describing it positively note that there are regularly “unsupervised children running around”. Their menu includes a pedophilic symbol, as do the signs and decorations of other neighboring businesses.

The music acts and the posters promoting same acts are bizarre in their presentation, content, and lyrical focus, but are still promoted as being “for all ages”. The overtly sexual content would suggest otherwise. The same has taken place in reference to videos recorded inside Comet Ping Pong by people that frequent their establishment as well as video referencing Comet Ping Pong positively from the exterior. While initially not the central focus of the investigation at the onset, Comet Ping Pong is a much more overt and much more disturbing hub of coincidences. Everyone associated with the business is making semi-overt, semi-tongue-in-cheek, and semi-sarcastic inferences towards sex with minors. The artists that work for and with the business also generate nothing but cultish imagery of disembodiment, blood, beheadings, sex, and of course pizza.

Tons of pre-existing evidence of global pedo-ring implicating governments and etc:

James Alefantis

Comet Ping Pong owned by James Alefantis, once listed 49th “most influential” person in DC by GQ:


James Alefantis caught in a love triangle with chief of Media Matters, David Brock; Allegations of blackmail and a payout amounting to $850,000. Brock and Alefantis were co-defendants in a suit filed by William Gray.

James Alefantis’ Instagram late 11/5/16. by morning of 11/7/16 it was set to private.

We recently found the Instagram account of James Alefantis. The contents of it are indescribably bizarre and the contexts of the posts and comment chains are weird. Alefantis does not have any children nor do his closest associates, but the photos seem to be a near-constant assortment of different children of a variety of ages, intermingled between posts about gay bars, clubs, photos of common rape drugs, and piles of foreign currency. After it being trawled through for 24 hours it has been set to private. A large set of archived copies can be seen here in the next section. Similarly, the Instagram and Twitter accounts of Comet Ping Pong are being edited selectively. The accounts of the people favoriting and commenting on these posts are equally bizarre in both content, context, and demeanor. – Girl, striped, taped to table – Michelle Obama playing Ping Pong – Girl, drinking milk – Girl, standing in basket – Photo of refrigerated meat locker, weird comments – Baby eating pizza “oh my god. Stop it” comment – “Boum Boum” Room (euphemism for brothel) – Close up of an eye of a dead pig – Close up of toddler boy – Girl in yellow dress running on grass – “Long Dong Pizza Shop” – Marina Abramovic – Someone holding girl, #chickenlover hashtag (euphemism for gay pedophilia) – Girl and newborn – “French kissing” a taxidermied dog – Topless model – Girl in striped shirt, at park – Screencapture of Child Beauty pageant show episode, subtitle about pizza – Painting of 69 position sex on-top of slice a huge of pizza. – “German Baby: $1200” photo of doll – Two individuals staring at hole in foundation of Comet Ping Pong – Photo of Ping Pong being played between Obama and young boy at WH Christmas Party – Letter Alefantis received from Hillary Clinton – Trenching work in basement of Comet Ping Pong – “Ping pong in London sounds fun” $$$$ and Xanax bottles – “I LOVE KIDS” T-Shirt with two shirtless men – Yet another photo of an infant, no name – Infant described as a #hotard, a portmanteau of “whore” and “retard” – NSFW from Jeff Koons and Cicciolina exhibit. – Foursquare post with a child’s face (in striped shirt) censored with pizza slice clip-art

Susan Alefantis

Sister of James Alefantis. Wrote a letter in support of Christopher Kloman


Christopher Kloman was sentenced to 43 years in prison for multiple counts of child molestation.


Also on the list is Kenneth Starr

Tony Podesta

Tony Podesta, John Podesta’s brother and the guy who has a “pasta” obsession according to many e-mails did a 3 to 4 month trip to Japan with Dennis Hastert where they both taught students. In his first year of graduate school, Hastert spent three months in Japan as part of the People to People Student Ambassador Program.[29] One of Hastert’s fellow group members was Tony Podesta (then the president of the Young Democrats at University of Illinois at Chicago Circle).

Hastert admitted to molesting kids when he did work as a teacher.

Tony Podesta still keeps in regular contact with Hastert.

Tony Podesta has a “Huge” vault underneath his house

They are known for purchasing “awkward” works, such as video installations, that many other private collectors will not consider. “It’s easy to store them, but difficult to display them,” says Podesta. To get around the problem, he and his wife have excavated a huge subterranean vault beneath their house outside Washington – a white space 5m square and 4m high in which it will be possible to show “very complicated video pieces” on all four walls.

Tony and Heather Podesta’s art collection contains a wide assortment of things that disturb the author of this Washington Post article. Which recently was deleted from Washington Post’s website.

One shows a boy seemingly born from a sewing machine. Another finds a young girl knitting her own hair. A third has a naked woman immersed in blood-red liquid.

Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parent’s suburban homes. “They were horrified,” Heather recalls, a grin spreading across her face. – “Going to see Rachel Rose”

Pause at 0:10, attendee wearing counterclockwise spiral ring.

Comet Ping Pong & “Majestic Ape”

Podesta e-mails make mention of Comet Ping Pong, “family-friendly” restaurant/venue with ping-pong for kids:



Video recorded during Sasha Lord’s birthday party at Comet Ping Pong. Individual with the microphone wearing a wig and ski mask is Majestic ape. Words used are very strange, video was deleted within an hour of it being found on youtube and had to be archived and reuploaded. “She” uploaded it a second time (as unlisted) and after a day or two switched it to private. Any remaining copies on youtube are reuploads and may or may not get taken down with DMCA notices.

Here’s Kleinman in the same outfit:


In the party video, Amanda Kleinman references “secret pizza”. This same term comes up in the description of a film about a “private island” that was produced by Jame Alefantis.

On a whim, Eve, a young Swedish traveler, accepts an invitation from Peter to vacation on his family’s private island off the coast of New England. As a series of unexpected delays prevent other guests from arriving, Eve discovers that she has little in common with the increasingly erratic Peter. Gradually the idyllic natural beauty of the island gives way and Eve finds herself trapped in a state of surreality punctuated by bizarre visions, dimensional shifting and secret pizza.

Amanda Kleinman’s band “Heavy Breathing” has a music video that references pedophilia. Most of the “Schtick” for her band is intentionally being provocative, weird, and awkward.

“Get served at Comet Ping Pong, a hipster-heavy pizza parlor in the Upper Northwest with rough concrete walls, bathrooms hidden behind secret panels, and table tennis galore. Thin crust pies from the wood-burning oven are as much of an attraction as the regularly scheduled live bands.”

DO NOT look at the following image if you want to sleep anytime soon.

From the above, Amanda Kleinman might have some familiarity with “Eli” and may have been to the one to make his costume. Anything beyond those two things is supposition, but extremely creepy supposition.

David Brock’s “After Party”

Podesta’s invitation to an AFTER party at David Brock home (pic related, was attached in email)

David Brock is described as “batshit crazy” by Neera Tanden. His work history also shows temperamental behavior and volatility.

NY Times article being discussed is this one.

The company that planned the event has a long roster.

“Here’s a party tip: If you’re hosting an impromptu dinner and want guests to show up, have Academy Award-winner Mira Sorvino as your guest of honor.

That’s exactly what Kimball Stroud did after Sorvino attended a briefing on child trafficking on Capitol Hill with Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and John Cornyn (R-Tex.), filmmaker Libby Spears (“Playground”) and several survivors of child trafficking.”

An Open Secret” documentary on Hollywood pedos revealed that several major Hollywood pedos had mansion pedophile parties called “after parties”.

45:09 – Mansion talk begins 45:55 – Brock Pierce is mentioned as the ringleader of the parties


Pierce supports non-profit and advocacy efforts, and is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative.

“PizzaPAC” – JZ Drizin and Pizza Packet

Podesta e-mail with HRC pizza logo (Design provided by James Alefantis) says to donate to “” registered to one JZ Drizin;

There’s more on JZ Drizin here:

Itchie gross is friends with the Drizin family, but I don’t believe Joel Zev Drizin has a Facebook account.

The person Podesta said to donate the money in the comet ping pong pizza email was @JZDRIZIN. His latest Retweet was from @PIZZAPACKET.

If you type JZDRIZIN into google you will find this link

When searching his number you will get

He goes by Zev DrizinZalmi Drizin, but mostly Joel Zev Drizin which explains his Twitter handle. This article mentions Joel Zev Drizin and this lady who worked for him. Sheida Jafari worked for pizza packet and in this article it mentions work they did at the burning man occult festival if that’s what you want to call it.

Burning man was brought up in Wikileaks as well.

Joel Zev Dizin work experience:

Director at Map Financial Group, Inc., Member at Swanson Gentleman Hart, Inc., Member at Flatbush Patio LLC, Founder/CEO at Merchants For Charity and Founder, Board of Directors at Jewish Community Watch. (I need to find the link) 3rd picture from bottom is Itchie Gross who is the one who was UNFOLLOWED by the Angel of Love Adoption Agency Inc TODAY which is extremely suspicious. (follow up on the Angel of love story in a previous post so you understand) Also, Itchie gross is the same guy who DELETED his LinkedIn when someone exposed his jet 4 days ago. THIS IS BEYOND SUSPICIOUS which is why I dug into these people.

We need to look into these people more.

Remember, there were wikileaks mentioning to donate to pizzapac owned by the name of JZdrizin who we now know. Also, there were emails to Itchie gross and his wife about hawaii I believe. Feel free to correct anything.

On a side note, I strongly feel the Angels of love adoption story is a big deal which leads me to this…

I saw @Itchiegross follow @AmonMunyaneza

which raised a red flag because why is a pizza company following a Pastor? It wouldn’t be odd, but after the Angel of Love Adoption Agency Inc for Haiti kids account, I had to look into this. his current employment says Ensicom, Africa Mission Network.

His website on his twitter is inactive-

I went to his Facebook which brought me to…

Light Church Rwanda – Senior Pastor · Rusororo, Kigali, Rwanda. I serve the people of God at this community church in the outskirts of Kigali-Rwanda.

99.9% Fine Silver MAGA Collector Coins!

I then stumbled upon this

“It is with deep sadness, but new hope for the children that we must inform you that Asante Ministries International (ASANTE) will cease as a non-profit organization in the next six months.”


That’s all for now…

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.

This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.


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