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Are You Tired Of Your Kids Being BRAINWASHED At School?


Are you tired of your kids being brainwashed at school?

Heck, are you tired of ALL OF US being brainwashed every day by the MSM?

Do you know what the Tuskegee Experiment was or how many people were killed without their knowledge under it?

It’s a sickening part of our American history, but it’s playing out again right before our eyes.

It’s time to fight back.

I have the perfect solution for you — AND — I can help you knock out a big chunk of your Christmas shopping all at once.

Trust me, you’re gonna love this.

My friend Connor Boyack explains more about what I’m talking about:

I hate to sound like an alarmist, but… are you kidding me with this???

In today’s episode of, The Government Will Ruin Your Life and Then Tweet About it Gleefully, I present the head of the CDC, Rachael Walensky, celebrating the “sacrifice and suffering” of African American men used as guinea pigs by Big Pharma and the US Government. But first, a little refresher:

The Tuskegee Experiment- A Lesson in History

In 1932, the United States Public Health Service began what would become one of the most unethical medical studies in history. The Tuskegee Experiment followed the health of 600 black men-399 with syphilis and 201 who did not have the disease. These men were told they were being treated for “bad blood,” a local term used to describe various illnesses. In reality, they were part of a study to observe the progression of untreated syphilis. The men were told they would be treated for their illnesses and given free medical care. They were also given free meals and burial insurance. In return, all they had to do was show up for regular checkups at the Tuskegee Institute hospital.

The study was originally supposed to last 6 months, but it ended up lasting 40 years. During that time, the men were never told they had syphilis and weren’t given any treatment for it, even as the disease progressed and caused neurological damage, blindness, and even death in some cases. As the experiment went on, doctors continued to recruit new participants so that they could observe how the disease was passed down from generation to generation.

By 1972, news of the experiment had begun to leak out, causing a public outcry. An investigation by the United States Congress uncovered horrific details about how the experiment unfolded and how its participants were treated. As a result of the scandal, laws and regulations surrounding human subjects in research were changed to (supposedly) protect future generations from being subjected to such unethical practices. There are still ten surviving children of the experiment’s victims who collect medical and other benefits from the government as payment for their fathers’ abuse.

So what did Ms. Walensky have to say about the 50th anniversary of what is still regarded as one of the worst human rights violations in US history?

Talk about being totally disconnected from reality! Has the CDC really become so immune to their own villainy that they can no longer distinguish between people who willingly suffer or sacrifice for a cause they believe in, and those who are targeted because of their vulnerability and then used and abused—their lives ruined—for some imagined “greater good”?

A tweet by Clifton Duncan, a successful stage actor who refused the covid vaccine and was subsequently blacklisted from acting, summed up my feelings pretty well.

I wonder how many people don’t know the ugly details of Tuskegee (or any of the other dozens of awful crimes the government has committed against innocent people)? One of the things that has been the most frustrating these last several years has been watching history repeat itself and finding so many people totally unaware of the patterns of government lies and abuse. It’s like watching a bad remake of a bad movie!

That’s one of the reasons we tackled the huge project of telling the real history of the United States, and building a corresponding homeschool curriculum. We owe it to our kids (and ourselves!) to know what has happened in the past so that we can recognize when tyrants and traitors employ their age-old tactics for control and coercion against us.

Our America’s History bundle is on sale today and includes America’s History 1215-1776, our complete America’s History Curriculum, the America’s History Audiobook, and our America’s History Videos, all for nearly 25% off their regular price.

Check out the sample pages on our website, and give your kids the gift of inoculation against people like Rachael Walensky and their dangerous rewriting of history.

It’s up to us to stop these people.

— Connor

Now let me show you a lot more…

Please watch this short video here on Rumble and then scroll down for more details:

Noah here, and there is nothing more important than protecting our next generation…our children.

Protecting them, but then also arming them to be strong and courageous in this world!

Joshua 1:9:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

And I have just the thing to show you today that I am really excited about.

Trust me, you’re gonna love this!

This is directly from me and written from the heart.

I don’t reveal too many personal details about myself, but I have little children at home.

I won’t print their ages in here or tell you how many, but they’re growing fast and the future they will inherit in this country is one of the reasons I work so hard at what we do here at WeLoveTrump!

We’re in a battlefield for the future of our country, and that means the future they will live in.

So I’ve had this idea for the past 5-7 years since I first started this website that I wanted to produce some books that would help explain the world to all of our kids.

One of my main goals with WeLoveTrump is to make the news SIMPLE.

If you’ve noticed, we try and get right to the point in our stories…

We write things in an easy to understand way.

We don’t use a 10-cent word if a 2-cent word will work just as well.

We write in short paragraphs and short sentences.


Because it makes things easy to understand quickly, and that means more of our message gets out to more people!

So I’ve always had this idea that I wanted to take that same concept and transfer it into books for kids, teaching them things like Conservative Values, money management, God, faith, right and wrong….you know, the kinds of things this country was founded on.

I’ve never had the time to actually do it, and now I’m really glad I didn’t.


Because I just found someone who took the idea and ran with it…and truth be told has done it so well and so wonderfully that I couldn’t have done it better myself!

That’s high praise and very well deserved.

I’d like to introduce you to The Tuttle Twins… 

If you’re tired of having your kids exposed to THIS all day in school:

Then it’s time to shield them up!

It’s Ephesians 6 folks:

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Stop sending them out like lambs to the slaughter…

Shield them up!


The books are relatively new but are already a huge success and setting new sales records every day.

And for good reason:

I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this and I’m buying the full set for my kids.

But here’s why I wanted to tell you about this today…

Two big reasons:

ONE: I know we have a ton of parents and grandparents reading this and we’re less than 60 days out from Christmas.  Yeah, sorry to set in the panic, but it’s go time for presents!

Sure you can get your kids or grandkids some more toys, and that’s fine, but maybe slip in one or two of these books with your presents?

It’s the perfect gift for many of you reading this.

TWO: As always, I never leave you high and dry.

Readers of WeLoveTrump can get a big discount if you purchase now.

Who loves ya baby?

I get your Christmas shopping done, I shield up your kids and grandkids, and I save you money while doing it!

Woo woo!

See them all here:

Here’s more directly from the Tuttle Twins company:

What Makes Our Books So Different?

The Tuttle Twins’ Book Series Introduces Important Ideas That Schools Don’t Teach.

There aren’t any other children’s books that present a vast array of free-market topics in such a fun way. The books teach relevant freedom-based concepts that most of us were never taught as kids. But it’s not too late!

The Tuttle Twins books challenges children to learn “adult” ideas—and they love it! We explain these ideas simply, and with helpful illustrations… and we’ve been amazed at how well kids rise to this challenge. Yours will, too.

These stimulating stories encourage children to make sense of the world—and we’ve heard so much fun stories about how this is working so well.

One mom wrote us this: “I took my kids to the grocery store a few days after we read one of the Tuttle Twins books about free markets. We were walking down the chip aisle when my son pointed to the 18 kinds of potato chips and said Hey, that’s spontaneous order! I kid you not. My kids know economic ideas that I didn’t even understand until we read the book together. So awesome!”

And I recently got this email from another mom: “I’ve been so anxious about the state of our world and what to share with my children. Now we read Tuttle Twins books each night and it has been so helpful to talk to my kids about things like individual rights, the proper role of government, and what it means to be free. These discussions are so meaningful to our family, and they wouldn’t be happening without these books. Thank you so much!”

That’s what our books are about: helping you have amazing conversations with your children about the ideas that built our amazing country but which are now under attack.

For too long, parents have lacked a language to communicate these concepts to their kids.

But not any longer. That problem has been solved with the Tuttle Twins books!

For the visual learners out there (and who can’t resist watching two cute kids?) watch this and learn from the children.

They need our help and they deserve our help:

I love this company for so many reasons, and here’s one more…

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed:

Not happy with what you get?

Return it for a full refund.

Connor’s Your-Kids-Will-Love-The-Tuttle-Twins-Or-I-Will-Refund-Your-Money-And-You-Keep-The-Books Guarantee!

Help the children in your life learn these important ideas by purchasing the books now. Over 500,000 families have already bought the books for their kids. Can you guess how many families didn’t like them and demanded a refund? Nine.

Needless to say, our young readers love these books!

Worried that you’re not sure you’ll love them? No problem! The risk is all on our end. If you don’t like them, let us know within 30 days of purchase and you can keep the books. I will immediately refund your money.

Yes — I’m THAT confident your family will benefit from these books. No questions asked. No hassle. And with that guarantee, there’s no reason to not get these books for your kids.

You’ve got nothing at all to lose. So give your children a foundation of freedom today!

In liberty,

I’ll be telling you a lot more about these in the days going forward, but don’t wait to grab them because the 50% off ends on Sunday.


Your friend,



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