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Senator Scott Weiner—The New Jussie Smollett?


Ah, fake hate crimes, they seem to be all the rage these days, don’t they?

In what is highly reminiscent of the Jussie Smollett fake hate crime, Senator Scott Weiner, is claiming that MAGA supporters are sending him hate-fueled messages…

The Senator from California (where else?), got into an online scuffle with Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, and what followed were allegations by Weiner that conservatives were sending him hate-filled messages.

There’s only one problem with these messages—they appear to have spellcheck and grammatical markings under some of the words and phrases…

You know, the spellcheck markings that appear in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and other word-processing software.

These word-processing programs never show these spellcheck markings to the recipient of a message, they only display the markings for the one typing out the original document.

Weiner claims that the message is a transcript of a voicemail, presumably to explain the spellcheck markings.

The presence of these markings has led many users to call out Weiner:

Western Journal shared some of the initial Charlie Kirk messages:

On Tuesday, Kirk issued a series of tweets about Wiener and his legislative record.

“Thousands of pedophiles in California are going free after just a few months in jail, thanks to the state’s radically reduced penalties for child molestation.

One reason so many of these predators are going free so early is California lawmaker Scott Wiener,” he wrote. “That name and photo might ring a bell.

Wiener is one of the most effective lawmakers in the entire country. He’s behind California’s new law that will protect parents who kidnap their children and take them to California to receive mutilating surgeries.”

Weiner authored this legislation, according to California Globe:

SB 145 would allow a sex offender who lures a minor with the intent to commit a felony (i.e. a sex act) the ability to escape registering as a sex offender as long as the offender is within 10 years of age of the minor.

No specification is made as to whether the sexual offender is straight or LGBT.

SB 145 would add a section to the state’s penal code (Section 290.55) stipulating that as long as the offender is “not more than 10 years older than the minor,” they are not automatically mandated to register as a sex offender.

There is no age limit or range specified, except for existing law which already excludes lewd acts with children under 14.


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