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Satanists Attempt To Unbaptize People


Evil is running rampant within the United States…

The Satanic Temple recently set up a booth in Dallas-Fort Worth in an attempt to “unbaptized” attendees of the Pagan Pride festival.

In a video that is circling around the web, a member of the Satanic Temple is seen performing rituals where he attempts to unbaptized people, and as part of the ceremony participants get an inverted cross put on their hand and then have to chant “hail satan”.

Watch here:

The Post Millenial had these details to add:

The Satanic Temple of Dallas-Fort Worth hosted a booth at the second annual Pagan Pride Fest in Tyler, Texas on Saturday, and invited attendees to an “unbaptism” ceremony.

Independent journalist Tayler Hansen reported on the event and posted video to Twitter, writing, “The Satanic Temple is performing ‘unbaptisims.’ After an upside down cross is drawn on their forehead they chant ‘Hail Satan.'”

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In the Christian faith, a baptism represents an individual’s acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord who died and was resurrected for the forgiveness of their sins.

After the Satanic Temple’s “unbaptism,” a person could receive a certificate memorializing the act if they paid $10.

Here’s a video of the full event:


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