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Twitter Responds To Elon Musk, Follower Counts Suddenly Tanking…


After months of litigation and disputes, it appears Elon Musk is finally near closing the deal to acquire Twitter.

The social media giant officially responded to Musk’s offer to buy out the company for the original price of $54.20 a share.

“We received the letter from the Musk parties which they have filed with the SEC. Our intention is to close the transaction at $54.20 per share,” Twitter’s General Counsel in an email to staff.

“This would remove a major obstacle to closing the deal, which has been in litigation for months over numerous items that Elon Musk has disputed with the company, including the true number of fake accounts/bots,” Trending Politics wrote.

After the news broke, many accounts have reported a significant loss of followers.

Many users suspected it was a Twitter bot purge:

From Trending Politics:

Elon Musk himself reportedly lost 6,500 followers. But if that’s the price it takes to restore freedom to the platform, I’m sure most Twitter users would gladly take it.

Earlier on Tuesday, tech billionaire Elon Musk proposed to proceed with his buyout of influential social media platform Twitter at a price of $54.20 per share. This was the same as his initial April offer.

Twitter shares spiked upon the surprising news and trading was halted.

Musk’s deal has come amid a contentious court battle that has forced Twitter to reveal the internal workings of the platform. Court documents released last week revealed numerous conversations by Musk over his reasons for making an initial buyout offer and his attempt to take a seat on the board.

Twitter shareholders in September voted to approve Elon Musk’s $44 billion bid to take over the social media platform.

Musk hinted of what he has planned for Twitter:

“Buying Twitter is an accelerant to creating X, the everything app,” he said.

In May 2022, Musk shared his vision of an app which has “Twitter plus PayPal all rolled into one.”

Watch on Rumble via Chief Nerd:


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