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(WATCH) TV Host Collapses During UK Prime Minster Debate


A debate between the two front-runners to become the next UK Prime Minister abruptly halted when the TV host fainted during the live broadcast.

Debate moderator and host Kate McCann reportedly collapsed during the broadcast due to a “medical episode,” according to TalkTV network.

While UK Foreign Security Liz Truss discussed the Ukraine conflict, a loud bang occurred during the live broadcast.

Truss appeared horrified by McCann’s reported collapse, and the live debate went off the air.


“Kate McCann fainted on air tonight and although she is fine, the medical advice was that we shouldn’t continue with the debate,” the network said in a statement.

“We apologize to our viewers and listeners.”

McCann’s TalkTV Colleague James Whale confirmed on Twitter that she had fainted during the live debate: “Sadly Kate McCann the host has fainted we will let you know more later.”

Daily Mail reported:

Miss McCann, who was inundated by messages from well-wishers on social media, was said to be ‘fine’ after the incident.

The dramatic moment happened as Ms Truss was answering a question around half-an-hour into the TalkTV/The Sun event.

A loud noise caused the clearly worried Foreign Secretary to hold her face in shock as she exclaimed: ‘Oh my God!’. Ms Truss was then seen walking towards where Miss McCann was standing.

The broadcast feed was swifly cut, with viewers shown the message: ‘We’re sorry for the disruption to this programme. We’re working hard to fix the issue and will return to normal programming soon.’

There was subsequently a long pause in the broadcast while viewers wondered what had happened in the studio, before a ‘medical issue’ was cited as being the cause of the disturbance.

This is the latest fainting episode captured on live air in the past couple of years, leading many to believe the collapses are related to the experimental COVID-19 shots.

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