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WATCH: Mexico Wants To Take In Assange


Julian Assange did nothing wrong.

He simply exposed the crimes committed by a criminal government—no different from what we do here at WeLoveTrump.

If a guy is hated by the likes of Hillary Clinton, Obama, and the vast security apparatus of the mass-surveillance state that we live in, then he’s alright by me.

Assange faces up to 175 years in prison for simply revealing the truth and his inhumane treatment by the state begs the question: does a state that constantly justifies ever-greater surveillance measures in the name of ‘national security’ deserve to exist?

Is it even worth saving or securing at that point? If a strike team shoots the hostages so that the terrorists can’t, was the operation worth it? What exactly are we ‘saving’ or ‘securing’ here?

When the ideals of liberty, freedom, justice, and truth are shirked in favor of constantly expanding the security state then what do we have left?

After all, America is all the things I mentioned and nothing more—America is an idea founded on noble ideals. Without those ideals we are nothing. Shirk the intangible and we lose everything tangible—and more.

At least one country has come to the aid of Assange: Mexico.

In a recent press event, Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, told the world that Mexico is open to taking in Assange—if the U.S. deep state would let him go, that is…

Here’s what we currently know:


Obrador’s recent invitation was reported by NTD News:

Lopez Obrador told reporters that he will ask U.S. President Joe Biden to address Assange’s case, saying Mexico would “open its doors to Assange” if he were released.

The Mexican president is set to meet his U.S. counterpart in July.


According to The Independent, Obrador previously offered asylum for Assange in 2021:

Making the announcement during his daily press briefing, López Obrador told the Mexican press: “I will ask the secretary of Foreign Relations to make the relevant arrangements to make an offer to the United Kingdom that will ensure Mr. Assange keeps his freedom and that Mexico offers him political asylum.”


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