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Kash Patel: Peter Strzok May Face Prosecution Soon


Kash Patel thinks Peter Strzok may face legal trouble soon…

The former F.B.I. agent could potentially be indicted on federal charges relating to his role in the Russia collusion hoax, perpetrated by Democrats and actors of the deep state.

Patel says that recently surfaced notes dating back to a 2017 meeting between DOJ officials, Andrew McCabe, and former acting Attorney General Dana Boente may incriminate Strzok…

According to Patel, via The Epoch Times:

“Those lies carried over from the start of the investigation in the summer and spring of 2016 all throughout the four FISA warrants, and these notes show in March of 2017, when this meeting occurred … that he perpetuated and continued that lie, even though he knew it was false,” Patel said.

“He repeatedly lied to federal officers and judicial officers at the FISA court saying ‘our investigation is righteous for these reasons’ and he got caught. Then he wrote a book and sold it and the mainstream media let them have at it. And now John Durham has caught him lying.”

We have already seen the arrest of Igor Danchenko, the author of the now debunked Steele dossier, and Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, Michael Sussmann, is facing trial which begins 2 days from now…

Could we be witnessing the beginning of the end for the deep state cabal which tried to unseat a duly elected President of the United States?

Here’s what Kash Patel had to say:

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Real Clear Politics previously reported:

The bottom two pillars of the Durham triangle, I believe, are the FBI’s — John Durham’s indictment of the FBI attorney, which is literally an indictment of the FBI, and now a criminal conviction for lying to a federal court to perpetuate a fraud and get a FISA warrant falsely.


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