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TIMBER! Joy Behar “Face-plants” Live On The View


It couldn’t have happened to a nicer person (sarcasm alert).

The in-aptly named “Joy” Behar (or as some of you have named her “Joyless” Behar) took a tumble today live in front of The View audience.

She’s fine.

And we never want to see anyone get hurt.

But…doesn’t this feel like a little bit of karmic justice?


Here first question when getting back upright:

Here’s more on the tumble, from the NY Post:

Joy Behar is the latest hot topic: The fiery redhead hit the floor hard on Thursday’s episode of “The View.”

The 79-year-old comedian was walking out onstage at the start of the live show when she took a tumble just before reaching her seat.

Cameras captured Behar face-planting on the stage, with the dramatic vision beamed out to audiences across the country.

Co-hosts Sara Haines, 44, and legal eagle Sunny Hostin, 53, were heard gasping before they tried to help Behar get up.

“The View” moderator Whoopi Goldberg, 66, also rushed over to tend to the veteran star, telling her to “just stand.”

Behar needed the help of Haines and Hostin to get back on her feet, and a production assistant also ran onstage for added support.

Behar did not suffer serious injury, and was able to continue on with the show.

While the flustered comedian may not be quick on her feet, she laughed off the face-plant fiasco with her quick wit.

“Twenty-five years, that has never happened — who do I sue?!” the longtime funny lady quipped as she sat down at the table.


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