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Mother Locks Son In Trunk Of Car Over Fear Of Covid


This just in, a Texas woman who is a high school teacher was charged Wednesday for child endangerment as she locked her 13 year old son in the trunk of her car, in fear that she would contract covid.

Yes, the stupidity really is baffling these days. And the fear mongering has taken ahold of people in the most drastic and unsettling ways.

It’s alleged the Texas Mother was taking her covid-positive son to a testing site, to get a second test to confirm the positive covid test he received earlier in the day.

She was afraid of contracting the virus, so she transported him unrestrained to the testing site in the trunk of her car.

The Hill has more on the story:

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office confirmed that the teacher, Sarah Beam, was charged after her son was found in the trunk of her car while they were at a COVID-19 testing site run by a Texas school district, the news outlet reported.

She allegedly placed her son in the trunk of her car to avoid being exposed to the teen, who she told authorities had COVID-19. She allegedly told officials that the two were there to do additional testing for her son.

Officials first became aware of the incident after a noise coming from the trunk was heard by a witness, and the trunk was later unhatched by the Texas teacher, KPRC 2 Houston reported.

The witness then contacted police after Beam was reportedly told that the teen needed to be removed from the trunk and placed in the back seat, or else she would not receive a COVID-19 test.

The teen later left the trunk and entered the back seat, according to surveillance footage that officials were able to access, the news outlet noted.

What’s even more enraging is the fact that Sarah Beam -the mother who locked her child in a trunk is a high school teacher.

She is teaching, molding and informing the minds of our youth.

According to MSN, it has been reported the teacher has been placed on administrative leave.

I mean honestly, who in their right mind would think to themselves, “Ooo I know, I will lock my 13 year old in the trunk of my car to prevent me from getting covid.”

This woman should not be teaching. She is clearly too easily influenced by mainstream media and cannot think for herself.

It appears as though many people agree with me, including some locals in the Houston, TX area this took place in.

According to local news source Local12, this is what others had to say about it:

That’s sick. That’s terrible. You don’t put anybody in a trunk,” said one parent, Scott Weaver.

“I don’t sympathize with that at all,” said another parent, Claud Green. “I would have all my children right in the front of my car. If I got it, I got it. If I didn’t, I didn’t. My kids come first.”

“She’s a teacher. I’d rip her license from her in five minutes,” Weaver said. “That’s not caring for children.”

Here are just a few of the many reactions to what this high school teacher did:

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

It’s one thing to have a healthy respect for diseases and viruses, but not to the point where it causes mass hysteria and provokes a seemingly normal person to want to lock their kids in the trunk.

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