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Ted Cruz Goes Full RINO, Calls Jan 6 “a Violent Terrorist Attack”


Well, this is something I didn’t expect to hear from Ted Cruz.

Cruz made some comments on Wednesday about the anniversary of Jan 6 that he may regret.

He thanked Capitol police for their bravery last year on that day and then proceeded to call Thursday a “solemn anniversary of a violent terrorist attack.”

Tucker Carlson slammed Cruz for repeating the “talking points” given to him by Merrick Garland and the democrats.

Tucker pointed out what everyone already knows:

Thre was no terrorist attack on Jan 6.

“What the hell is going on here,” Tucker asked.

“You’re making us think maybe the republican party is as worthless as we suspected it was.”

Ted Cruz Calls Jan 6 "a Violent Terrorist Attack"

Tucker Carlson Slams Cruz

Tucker Carlson isn't the only one holding Ted Cruz's feet to the fire for his comments.

Cruz is being slammed by both republicans and democrats now.

FOX 8 reports:

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is taking a beating from both Republicans and Democrats after condemning the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection by supporters of former Pres. Donald Trump at the U.S. Capitol.

In comments made Wednesday, Cruz said this year marked “the solemn anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol…”

Last year, Cruz, along with Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, were chief among Republican leaders to object certifying the votes — despite several states recounting and certifying their ballots and state officials, in addition to the U.S. Department of Justice, saying there was no evidence of widespread fraud.

Check out the response from the right and the left:


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