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Ted Cruz Turns On President Trump


Senator Ted Cruz has completely abandoned his support towards Trump since the riots at the Capitol

Cruz in his latest interview said President Trump’s rhetoric on election fraud was “reckless” and “irresponsible”.

It looks like Cruz is selling out Trump clearly to protect his own political career.

Just listen to the traitor:

The GatewayPundit covered Cruz’s interview and released these details:

In this week’s video, Senator Ted Cruz accused President Donald Trump of spouting “overheated rhetoric” about the election and failing to present evidence of voter fraud.

Senator Ted Cruz: “President Trump’s rhetoric, I think, went way too far over the line. I think it was both reckless and irresponsible because he said repeatedly—and he said over and over again—he won by a landslide; there was massive fraud; it was all stolen everywhere. That evidence, the campaign did not prove that in any court, and to make a determination about an election it has to be based on the evidence, and so simply saying the result you want, that’s not responsible and you’ve never heard me use language like that. What I’ve said is voter fraud is real, and we need to examine the evidence, and look at the actual facts; and in particular, what is the evidence of how much voter fraud occurred, and did it occur in sufficient quantities and in sufficient states to alter the outcome of the election. That would have been the mandate of the election commission; to assess.”

The Washington Examiner chipped in too:

Sen. Ted Cruz is now criticizing former President Donald Trump’s behavior following his November election loss, even though he pushed similar claims and voted against certifying the election results in President Biden’s favor.

Earlier this month, Cruz led a group of 11 senators calling for the appointment of an “electoral commission” with full investigatory authority to carry out a 10-day emergency audit of the Nov. 3 election results in the states where Trump and his allies alleged fraud prior to certification. But on Jan. 23, Cruz called the president’s repeated claims of a “stolen” election “reckless and irresponsible” on his podcast, Verdict.

“President Trump’s rhetoric, I think, went way too far over the line,” he said. “I think it was both reckless and irresponsible because he said repeatedly — and he said over and over again — he won by a landslide. There was massive fraud. It was all stolen everywhere. That evidence, the campaign did not prove that in any court. And to make a determination about an election, it has to be based on the evidence. And so simply saying the result you want, that’s not responsible, and you’ve never heard me use language like that.”



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