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Border Control Vaccine Mandate And The Growing Threat Of Terrorism


This just in, a potential terrorist was apprehended at the border:

Ted Cruz is calling on more security at the border in light of recent events, as the lack of security at the border lead to a potential terrorist getting into America.

This comes as no surprise, as many representatives and Americans alike have been calling for increased border protection, for months now.

Ironically, this also comes just in time after the recent mandates stating Border Patrol had until November 8th to get vaccinated or seek exemption.

From the Center of Immigration Studies:

Thousands of U.S. Border Patrol Agents are among the vast population of federal workers who had until November 8 to officially stake their position, in line with President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate, as to whether they will choose taking the Covid-19 vaccination or job termination.

There’s no telling exactly how many employees have already been let go or quit on their own fruition.

But there’s no denying the dire consequences we’ve suffered VERY RECENTLY from our borders not being secure.

Between the drug cartels shuttling thousands of pounds of fentanyl causing 220 million overdoses in the past year, the increased crime in US cities neighboring the border, increase in gang violence, and most recently, a terrorist threat, this is quickly becoming our nations biggest threat.

Getting rid of Border Patrol Agents become they refuse the jab, would be the dumbest move yet if the Biden Administration continues to push it.

Newsmax has more on this:

The Biden administration announced in September that all federal workers must be fully vaccinated by Nov. 22 or face termination. All agents had to register their vaccination status in an internal database portal, where they also could request an exemption on one of several grounds.

Seventy-nine percent of the Border Patrol’s 21,393 employees were vaccinated as of Nov. 17, Fox News reported.

The article continues to cite an interview with a Senoir official at Customs and Border Protection border patrol agent and he had this to say about it:

“Counseling letters” have been sent to employees who rejected getting the vaccine, which puts them “on notice.”

A group of 62 Republicans oppose the mandate and are demanding Biden keep the agents in their jobs, according to Fox News.

A Border Patrol agent and NRA life member says he wants to meet with President Joe Biden to show him how the vaccine mandate for Border Patrol agents will weaken national security if the agents are fired, according to Fox News.

Cantu called the mandate a “political stunt” and said if the border is not secure, “every state” is at risk of becoming “a border state with illegal immigrants committing violent crimes.”

You cannot tell me getting our border patrol agents vaccinated stands as the nations highest priority and threat to national security when you have real threats literally waltzing into the country.

Not to mention the fact that we’re not vaccinated these illegal immigrants, and U.S drug companies refuse to, incase of the “legal ramifications of the side effects.”

So, we’re not willing to vaccinate the hundreds of thousand illegal immigrants that cross the border because of  “side effects from the vaccine,” but we’re demanding our own U.S border patrol agents take the vaccine?

AND we’re willing to risk national security to do so.

While also not lifting a SINGLE finger to actually help the border crisis.

If I didn’t know the incompetency of this administration any better, I would say setting up they are doing this intentionally.

Think about it, the facts are:

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The Biden Administration is doing NOTHING to help the border crisis.


The Biden Administration is creating a hostile work environment for border patrol agents, forcing them to get the jab or quit.

Getting rid of your security and not doing anything to replace it.

Seems downright negligent and grounds for dismissal (aka impeachment) OR it’s intentional which would be high treason and also ground for dismissal.

How is any of this adding up, folks?


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