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NEW: President Trump Sues NY Attorney General


This just in, President Donald J. Trump sues NY Attorney General for violating his constitutional rights for her more than two-year investigation into his family real estate business.

According to Infowars who has the details on the story, President Trump had this to say:

Letitia James wants to politically weaponize her position as Attorney General instead of exemplifying impartiality and protecting the interests of all New Yorkers. While she pretends that she suspended her short-lived campaign for New York Governor to go after me, she conveniently fails to mention that she couldn’t garner any support and her poll numbers were abysmal – she had no chance of even coming close to winning.

“She should focus her attention on helping to resurrect the once Great State of New York where crime and poverty continue to wreak havoc, with murder, rape, drug sales, and just about every other form of other crime at record levels, and now with a just-announced highest unemployment rate in the nation…”

This is ridiculous, the President is absolutely right, she needs to focus her time on fixing the state of New York instead of trying to divert attention on to him.

“Her mission is guided solely by political animus and a desire to harass, intimidate, and retaliate against a private citizen who she views as a political opponent,” reads the suit.

President Trump is right to sue her in my opinion. 2 Years for a civil investigation is extremely excessive and nothing more than a diversion.


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