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JOIN THE MISSION: Get a “Trump Won” Flag On Every Street In America!


Big things are happening….

Can you feel it?

Can you see it?

More CEOs are stepping down than any other time in our nation…

Commie news anchors are retiring and being fired on a daily basis…

The Biden Regime is in free-fall….

And just yesterday President Trump said “Hold on, I’m coming!”

And I believe that means not in 2024, not in November 2022, I believe it is MUCH sooner.

So I’m starting up a mission to put 🇺🇸 TRUMP WON 🇺🇸 flags on every street in America!

You in?

We are sending a message that we have NOT forgotten…..

We have NOT given up…..

And we are NOT going away.

TRUMP WON and 82 million Americans will not rest until he’s back in the White House (and no, I don’t mean in 2024).

The election was stolen…and it’s time we all shout it from the rooftops!

Or from the flag stands on our front porches.

Our first two batches of these flags sold out in a day each, but we finally got a ton more in stock and we’ve knocked the price down to $10 so everyone can get one.

Grab one while they last and let’s do this.

Tap here to get one:

Will you join us?

I want to see these popping up in every neighborhood across America!

At least one per street if not more!

They are big, beautiful and it’s a message I approve of!

Check availability here:


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