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TROJAN HORSE? Bernie Kerik’s Jan 6th Committee Subpoena May Open The Door To Exposing Voter Fraud!


There is an old adage that says: “the best way to defeat an angry man is to let him destroy himself”.

This strategy is what President Trump is currently trying to use to expose the sham January 6th Committee, and according to him this may even expose the massive fraud which occurred during the 2020 election.

Bernie Kerik was recently issued a subpoena by a partisan January 6th Committee, but this may not end well for them…

In fact, this may end up being a political Trojan Horse, and a complete miscalculation on the part of D.C. Democrats.

President Trump tells us:

Here’s a zoom in so you can read the whole thing:

Just The News states:

“Mr. Kerik still intends to comply with the subpoena,” Kerik attorney Timothy Parlatore wrote the Jan. 6 Select Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) in a letter Tuesday. “However, we will need additional time to comply due to the volume of documents and privilege issues.” In the same letter, Parlatore also accused majority Democrats of fabricating an allegation against his client.

Here’s how left-wing Politico is reporting on the current situation:

The committee subpoenaed Kerik in part because its investigators believed he attended a meeting at the Willard Hotel in Washington on Jan. 5 with Giuliani, Steve Bannon and others. But according to the letter POLITICO reviewed — which his lawyer sent Tuesday to the panel’s chair, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) — that’s a fabrication.

The committee cited a Washington Post story and a recent book by Robert Costa and Bob Woodward to corroborate its assertions concerning Kerik. But the article does not say Kerik attended the meeting, and the book doesn’t mention Kerik at all, according to his lawyer, Timothy C. Parlatore. Rather, Parlatore wrote to the committee, Kerik was in New York on Jan. 5 handling a family medical emergency.

So… this one of the best stings we’ve ever seen?

Chatter online is that it may be brilliant.


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