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Facebook’s New Name Announced


What do companies always do when they are mired in horrible controversy?

The suits think they can just “change the name” and all will be good again.

I don’t think it’s going to work, but Facebook is trying anyway.

Today they announced their new name change:

To which I loved this one:

And everyone is making fun of the name with acronyms:

So many hilarious ones!

Man, I can’t stand this Lizard Alien, can you?

And he’s right you know:

Meanwhile, President Trump released a statement where he did not hold back.

Man I love this guy:

From John Solomon’s Just The News:

Former President Donald Trump is calling Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg “a criminal” apparently for giving hundreds of millions of dollars to a group that in turn purportedly provided grants to election operations in heavily Democratic areas in battleground states during the 2020 presidential election.

“Mark Zuckerberg, in my opinion, a criminal, is allowed to spend over $400 million and therefore able to change the course of a Presidential Election, and nothing happens to Facebook,” Trump said Tuesday in a fundraising email.

Trump appears to be referring to money Zuckerberg gave the Center for Tech and Civic Life, which in turn gave out election-related grants.

The group says on its website that its mission is to “help election officials adopt the tools and skills necessary to meet the changing needs of today’s public.”


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