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We’ve Just Had The “Media Casualty” Predicted By Clif High


I know many of you enjoy following Clif High as much as I do.

And some of you may not know who he is.

In short, Clif is a genius.

By training, he’s a data scientist that worked for Microsoft on special projects many years ago and then wrote his own programs that he referred to as “predictive linguistics” where he would use these Web Bots to scour the web for data and then he would analyze it and find trends.

There’s much more to it than that, but that’s a really simple summary.

He started publishing his reports and you know what?  Many, many predictions ended up coming to pass exactly the way his computer software predicted.

Like, scarily accurate.

One for example was back in 2017 when he said in the future Bitcoin would hit $64,000 on the nose and then pause and lose about half its value.

He called it the $64,000 Question.

When he published that prediction, Bitcoin was trading around $3,000 and I don’t think it had ever gone higher than $15,000.

For those of you who pay attention to Bitcoin, you’ll know it hit $64,000 EXACTLY earlier this year and then fell down into the $30,000 range.  In other words, it did EXACTLY what Clif predicted.

That’s just one example.

Now back to our current story.

A few weeks ago, Clif said there would be a coming Mainstream Media “casualty”.

And he just confirmed in a new video yesterday that indeed we just had it and it was (as I had expected) CNN.

Did they go out of business?

No, not yet.

But is their credibility absolutely shot after “Dr.” Sanjay Gupta got his ass handed to him by Joe Rogan?


The beatdown was so severe and so badly damaged any credibility that CNN had left, that they essentially are now the walking dead.

They were already on their last legs in terms of credibility and this was the nail in the coffin.

Listen as Clif explains what happened and why it’s so bad in the clip below, and then scroll down for clips of Joe Rogan turning Gupta into a mincemeat:

And now if you missed exactly what happened, you can watch the clip here.

Gupta and CNN accused Rogan of taking “horse dewormer” and Rogan called them out for peddling a known lie.


ROGAN: It’s a lie.

It’s a lie on a News Network.

It’s a lie they’re knowledgeable of.

It’s not a mistake.

GUPTA:  Yeah…..


Gupta admitted the lie to Rogan but then went back on CNN and tried to do cleanup duty.

It didn’t work:

The damage is done and almost no one trusts these losers anymore.

To wit:

Here’s how Gupta tried to spin it with his own post:

Gupta then tried to write a long-winded, confusing piece on CNN to do further damage control.

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

It didn’t work.

Here’s a portion and the whole thing here on CNN:

In today’s highly segmented media world, most of the people who watch and listen to me every day on CNN have already received and accepted the message about the utility of vaccines, the importance of masks and how we can all work together to put an end to this pandemic. So I realized that if I was serious about trying to communicate public health, I needed to go to a less comfortable place. I needed to go into the lion’s den and accept an invitation to sit down with Joe Rogan for more than three hours.

I don’t think I have ever had a conversation that long with anyone. Seriously — think about that. We sat in a windowless podcast booth with two sets of headphones and microphones, and a few feet between us. Not a single interruption. No cellphones. No distractions. No bathroom breaks.

At a time when there is a desire for shorter, crisper content — responding to abbreviated human attention spans — one of the most popular podcasts in the country features conversations that last exceptionally long and go particularly deep.

Many friends cautioned me against accepting Joe’s invitation. “There is little room for reasonable conversations anymore,” one person told me. “He is a brawler and doesn’t play fair,” another warned. In fact, when I told Joe early in the podcast that I didn’t agree with his apparent views on vaccines against Covid, ivermectin and many things in between, part of me thought the MMA, former Taekwondo champion might hurtle himself across the table and throttle my neck. But, instead he smiled, and off we went.


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