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United BLOCKED From Imposing Vaccine Mandate


A small victory for civil rights occurred on Wednesday, when a Texas federal judge issued an order temporarily blocking United Airlines from firing employees, or putting them on unpaid leave for exercising medical and religious exemptions.

The order also prevents United from denying any new applications for these exemptions.

This action is the latest high profile litigation in a flurry of lawsuits, which erupted in response to the Biden regime’s egregious attempt to force The American people into compliance with experimental vaccine mandates.

More litigation is certain to follow as more citizens, organizations, governors, attorneys, and states, join the fight against medical tyranny.

Here’s more on the story:

Breitbart had these details:

According to the judicial order, which could be the first of its kind in the country against a coronavirus vaccine mandate, United Airlines is prohibited from placing employees with religious and medical exemptions on unpaid leave until October 26 while litigation continues.

The judge also prohibited the airline from denying any employee requests for religious or medical exemptions. Previously, the airline did not allow employees to apply for an exemption after August 31.

From Western Journal:

Mark Paoletta, the attorney for the employees fighting United in the court case, said the ruling was an important step.

“United Airlines’ refusal to provide reasonable accommodations to its vaccine mandate violates the federal civil rights protections of our clients, the hard working men and women at United,” Paoletta said.


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