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Best Moment of The Night: Trump Says “Babies Are A Sacred Gift From God”


One of the best moments last night from Trump’s Rally in Des Moines, Iowa was when he declared that babies are a sacred gift from God.

Trump in front of over 40,000 people praised Iowa’s State Senate for voting to pass HJR-5 which aims to abolish the Hyde Amendment which forces tax payers to fund abortions.

He then went on to say tax payers shouldn’t fund the far left’s bloody agenda which seeks to rip babies out of their mothers wombs even after birth.

Trump didn’t stop there though but instead called out Virginia’s Governor for signing SB1276/HB1896 which makes abortions  after a baby is born completely legal.

However he followed up the bad news with encouragement and proudly stated “In the Republican Party, we believe that every child is a sacred gift from God.”

Watch the moment he said it right here:

I don’t know about you but when he says “In the Republican Party, we believe that every child is a sacred gift from God” it gave me chills.

KCCI had more details on the new bill that the Iowa Senate passed in January that aims to abolish the Hyde Amendment:

The Iowa Senate has approved a constitutional amendment that says Iowans do not have the fundamental right to abortion or public funding for it.

The Iowa House approved HJR-5 in January on a 55 to 44 vote. The Senate approved the resolution Wednesday on a 30 to 18 vote.

Planned Parenthood said the proposed amendment is an effort to ban legal and safe abortions in Iowa.

Supporters said this should be left up to Iowans and not judges to decide.

In order for the Iowa Constitution to be amended, the bill must be passed through the legislature twice and be approved by Iowa voters in an election.

Trump’s statement about Virginia’s governor is completely true and not an exaggeration by no means.

Check out Governor Northam defending after birth abortion’s here:


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