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Deep State Panic: Congressional Democrat Committee to “Investigate” Maricopa Audit


It’s no secret that Democrats are afraid of the audit in Maricopa County.

But now we know exactly just how scared they are.

The answer?


How do we know?

Well, the Congressional Democrats of the House Oversight Committee has just announced an investigation…

In other words, the U.S. House Democrats have launched an audit of their own…

Are they investigating voter fraud?


They are auditing the auditors and the audit itself!

This is witch hunt 2.0!

More details on this development below:


The United States Constitution the State legislature the absolute authority as to how they should run their elections.

That is in the Constitution in plain English.

It’s meaning is clear and impossible to misunderstand.

So why are House Democrats attempting to intimidate and harass the lawful and legitimate audit of Maricopa County?

CNBC confirms this development, reporting:

Two top House Democrats on Wednesday launched an investigation into whether Cyber Ninjas, one of the private companies hired by Arizona Republicans to “audit” millions of ballots cast during the 2020 election, is working to “reverse the result of a free and fair election for partisan gain.”

House Oversight Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., who leads a House civil rights subcommittee, have asked the firm’s CEO to send them a raft of documents related to the audit, including information about who is paying for it.

The Democrats are also requesting any and all communications between Cyber Ninjas and former President Donald Trump or his allies, who have aggressively spread the false claim that the 2020 election was rigged.

A Florida-based cybersecurity firm, Cyber Ninjas has come under intense scrutiny for its involvement in the highly partisan ballot review in Arizona, which was launched by state Senate Republicans after President Joe Biden won the state in November.

Biden received roughly 10,000 more votes in Arizona than Trump, who falsely claims the election was stolen from him via widespread fraud. Trump has applauded the GOP-led audit.

County election officers in Arizona who conducted their own post-election audits found no discrepancies or irregularities in numerous counties — including Maricopa County, the most populous in the state.

But Republicans in Arizona’s state Senate nevertheless hired a group of private firms, led by Cyber Ninjas, to audit the nearly 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa. The additional audit, the Republicans said, was about ensuring the integrity of the election.

Cyber Ninjas did not immediately respond to CNBC’s request for comment.

“We are concerned about your company’s role in this highly unusual effort,” Raskin and Maloney wrote in their letter to Cyber Ninjas CEO Douglas Logan.

The Democrats said their concerns stem from the company’s “apparent lack of experience in conducting election-related audits; reports that the company engaged in sloppy and insecure audit practices that compromised the integrity of ballots and voting equipment and were questioned by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ); and evidence that you and other individuals funding the audit have sought to advance the ‘big lie’ of debunked voter fraud allegations in the November 2020 presidential election.”

“The Committee is seeking to determine whether the privately funded audit conducted by your company in Arizona protects the right to vote or is instead an effort to promote baseless conspiracy theories, undermine confidence in America’s elections, and reverse the result of a free and fair election for partisan gain,” Raskin and Maloney wrote.

The Democrats cited reports that “substantial outside funding” for the audit “has come from partisan dark money groups” linked to Trump and his allies. They also linked to numerous reports describing mismanagement and sloppy work practices by the firm, including that contractors were using potentially damaging ultraviolet light on ballots to check for evidence of fraud.

Aside from the Constitutionality of this, isn’t it odd that House Democrats are more interested in impeding an investigation rather than investigating any case of voter fraud?

Voter fraud happens.

It is not a left or right issue.

If you love America and American democracy, then you should be against voter fraud regardless of the parties involved.


If the Maricopa audit is truly a waste of time like Democrats claim, then isn’t an audit of the actual audit also a waste of time?

Think about it…

We’re in the middle of a pandemic…

Economic uncertainty…

Violence on the border…

A race for space…

And much more…

In other words, doesn’t Congress have more important thinks to think about?

Then why are they spending the time they have on investigating a lawful audit?!

The Hill confirms the Democrats’ move against transparency:

Democrats on the House Oversight and Reform Committee are launching an investigation into the Republican-led audit of the 2020 presidential election vote in Maricopa County, Ariz.

Republicans in the Arizona state Senate approved an audit of the 2020 election vote in Maricopa County in April, despite a number of previous audits confirming that the vote was tabulated accurately.

President Biden won Arizona’s 11 electoral votes over former President Trump by slightly shy of 11,000 votes, becoming the first Democratic presidential nominee to win the state in decades.

Trump and his allies have since alleged the vote was marked by fraud.

Reps. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), two top Democrats on the Oversight and Reform Committee, on Wednesday penned a letter to the CEO of the private firm that was tapped to lead the election audit, requesting information as part of a probe that will determine if the audit was warranted, or part of an effort to “undermine confidence in America’s elections.”

“Americans’ right to vote is protected by the Constitution and is the cornerstone of our democratic system of government,” Maloney and Raskin wrote in a letter to Douglas Logan, the CEO of the cyber security firm Cyber Ninjas.

“The Committee is seeking to determine whether the privately funded audit conducted by your company in Arizona protects the right to vote or is instead an effort to promote baseless conspiracy theories, undermine confidence in America’s elections, and reverse the result of a free and fair election for partisan gain,” they added.

The lawmakers said that they are “concerned” about Cyber Ninjas’ participation in the audit.

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They specifically said they are looking at the company’s lack of experience in conducting election-related audits, its embrace of election conspiracy theories that claimed there was voter fraud, and reports that the firm “engaged in sloppy and insecure audit practices that compromised the integrity of ballots and voting equipment and were questioned by the U.S. Department of Justice.”

The letter also says that there is concern regarding reported mismanagement of the audit on behalf of the firm, Logan’s bias and history of embracing election-related conspiracy theories, and private sources of funding for the audit that may have undermined the “credibility and impartiality” of the audit.

The lawmakers cited reports that found Logan embracing election conspiracy theories, including claiming on social media that the vote was rigged against Trump.

“The Committee is particularly concerned that your company’s actions could undermine the integrity of federal elections and interfere with Americans’ constitutional right to cast their ballot freely and to have their votes counted without partisan interference,” the lawmakers wrote.

Democrats want to investigate the audit…

Here’s what we want THEM to investigate:

  1. Hunter Biden’s laptop
  2. Hillary Clinton’s emails
  3. Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide”
  4. Hunter Biden’s business dealings
  5. Joe Biden’s knowledge of Biden’s dealings
  6. Joe’s cognitive decline
  7. And yes, of course we want them to investigate voter fraud!


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