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THAT WAS FAST! Multiple States Start Door-To-Door Vaccination Campaign As Conservatives Fight Back


Why is the Biden admin focusing on herd immunity through door-to-door vaccination so intensely?

By doing so, they neglect science and neglect the harm put onto Americans by their needless lockdowns and experimental vaccines.

At the same time, the government downplays the real epidemics facing Americans.

If the Deep State truly cared about the health of the millions of Americans with serious health issues, wouldn’t they already be going door-to-door educating us?

What if the Biden admin went door-to-door with a cure for cancer instead?

The way the national door-to-door vaccination campaign is shaking out, it seems they only want to push vaccines and big pharma.

DEMONcrats don’t truly want to educate Americans with empowering health knowledge.

Or provide actual cures for killer diseases.

Perhaps this would give too much power to the people?

Any of the actual health cures for inflictions Americans face are typically hidden and buried. 

The current government neglects Americans’ best interests while crippling freedoms.

And their hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.

On The Wayne Dupree Podcast, they discuss the door-to-door “health” vaccination campaign in California.

It’s been reported these workers are hardly volunteering, though.

They are getting paid!

Apparently, Governor Newsom kicked in $10 million to fund the effort with 70 community-based organizations.

Allegedly, these organizations provide support for “barriers to vaccinations.”

Besides giving a great rundown on the door-to-door campaign in California, Wayne Dupree obtained multiple videos from Americans getting a visit from a “volunteer.”

One visit included the National Guard!

Check out the video safely on Rumble below, and feel free to skip to the 47-minute mark to get to the door-to-door vaccine campaign discussion:

It sure looks like these volunteers are making a list, doesn’t it?

California Globe reported IN MAY that Governor Newsom was already sending vaccine “checkers” door-to-door, focusing on areas with low vaccination rates.

Biden only announced earlier this month that they would use the door-to-door technique to persuade Americans into getting vaccinated against Covid.

How could they possibly organize this quickly?

Check out more on the story from California Globe:

Thousands of people hired by the State of California are out knocking on doors asking residents if they’ve been vaccinated. The goal is to target the “vaccine hesitant” and to get as many Californians vaccinated as possible, the Sacramento Bee reports.

This feels rather authoritarian – and a HIPAA violation.

The state is paying $10 million to fund the effort, “which is being led by Healthy Future California and UCLA, in partnership with 70 community-based organizations.”

Healthy Future California is a California Domestic Non-Profit Corporation filed On April 1, 2021. The company’s filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is C4727729. This is weird – Healthy Future California was just created last month?

According to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office, they’ve hired 2,000 people “to make peer-to-peer appeals and provide support to help overcome barriers to vaccinations.”

There are no “barriers” to vaccinations, only people who don’t want to take the vaccine.

These door-to-door vax checks are taking place in Alameda, Fresno, Kern, Los Angeles, Merced, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Tulare and Ventura counties.

34,804,886 total vaccines have been administered in California. 

In California, 39% of residents are fully vaccinated, while another 12% are partially vaccinated, according to the California Department of Public Health. Public health officials have said that at least 70% of the population must be vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity.

There are reports that 40-50% of health care workers are not taking the vaccine, along with an 40-50% of teachers, and even  40-50% employees at the CDC.

According to the Bee:

Veronica Carrizales, with Healthy Future California, said that community-based organizations are hiring people from the targeted communities to reach out to those very same communities.

Canvassers have so far knocked on more than 231,000 doors, completed more than 1.3 million calls, and have made 13,000 appointments, according to Carrizales.

“For the most part, people are happy to see us at their doors,” Carrizales said.

Really? I seriously doubt that.

Was California the test pilot for the plan to be rolled out in other states?

How long have the Deep State been planning an event like this?

North Carolina, Georgia, and Wisconsin kicked off their programs today.

Louisiana has seen door-to-door vaccination workers, too.

Resident Biden’s admin preaches low vaccination rates and herd immunity as the reason for the campaign.

But herd immunity can’t happen when big pharma steps in.

And Americans value their privacy and medical freedom.

Thankfully, Conservative patriots are standing up to this government overreach and demanding Biden answer a few questions about his door-to-door vaccination campaign.

Representative Andy Biggs from Arizona sent a letter to Biden, calling out the violation of the privacy of Americans’ health information.

The letter also states, “there is no scenario where the federal government should be actively entering communities and traveling door-to-door to pressure Americans to receive a vaccine.”


Biggs and 31 other patriots signed the letter to Biden.

Biden has until July 23rd to respond.

Fox News has more on the story:

The conservative House Freedom Caucus is pushing back on President Biden’s latest door-to-door vaccine push decrying the home visits as a “deeply disturbing” violation of Americans’ privacy.

Rep. Andy Biggs, the chairman of the House of Representatives’ right-wing group with a history of ruffling feathers, is leading the effort to call on the White House to explain the “constitutional and statutory authority” for conducting the door-knocking coronavirus vaccination campaign and demanding answers on whether the federal government is tracking individuals’ private health information.

“Door-to-door vaccine checks on Americans are a blatant abuse of government authority and a pure power play by the Biden administration,” Biggs, R-Ariz., said in a statement to Fox News. “The federal government has no right to track the private health information of Americans or to intimidate people into getting the vaccine.”

Biggs and 31 other Houser Republicans sent Biden a letter Friday – obtained exclusively by Fox News – demanding answers on the vaccination effort.

“Your administration’s decision to go door-to-door to coerce individuals to receive a COVID-19 vaccine is deeply disturbing and violates the privacy of Americans,” the GOP lawmakers wrote in the letter first obtained by Fox. “The private health information of millions of Americans should never be a matter of concern for the federal government. Americans must be free to make their own personal health choices.”

The White House has been dealing with backlash from conservatives since Biden pitched his plan Tuesday on increasing the vaccination rates in America as the country is grappling with a surge of the more contagious Delta variant of the virus.

“Now we need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood and often times door-to-door – literally knocking on doors – to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” Biden said.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki also referred to the “door-to-door” effort on Tuesday while listing the five objectives of Biden’s COVID response earlier in the day at her briefing, citing “targeted community door-to-door outreach” to “get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring that they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”

The White House had since defended the effort as needed to save lives and sought to dispel any misinformation about potential government overreach. Psaki said the door-to-door campaign has been going on since April and consists of community volunteers – not government bureaucrats – and is targeted in pockets of the country with low vaccination rates. She said the government is not tracking or keeping a database of individuals who have been vaccinated.

“These are grassroots voices across the country. They are not members of the government, they are not federal government employees,” Psaki said during a Thursday press briefing. “They are volunteers, they are clergy, they are trusted voices in communities that are playing this role and door-knocking.”

Community members have been doing this since April and it has been effective, with vaccination rates among adults going up 3% in Alabama and 4.4% in Florida, Psaki said.

After Biden first mentioned the idea of going door-to-door, Republicans in Congress were quick to push back against it.

“How about don’t knock on my door. You’re not my parents. You’re the government,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, tweeted. “Make the vaccine available, and let people be free to choose.”

“The government now wants to go door-to-door to convince you to get an ‘optional’ vaccine,” Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., wrote.

Psaki said the criticism has been “frustrating” for the administration.

“When people are critical of these tactics it’s really a disservice to the country, and to the doctors, faith leaders, community leaders and others who are working to get people vaccinated,” she said. “This is about saving lives and ending this pandemic.”

Psaki also insisted that the government is not keeping records of who is or is not vaccinated, although they are aware of the rates of vaccination in different parts of the country.

“The federal government does not have a database of who is vaccinated. That is not our role, we don’t maintain a database along those lines and we don’t have plans to,” she said.

While the government may not be keeping track of who is vaccinated, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra said Thursday morning on CNN’s “New Day” that it is “absolutely” the government’s concern because of the money they have spent.

“The federal government has spent trillions of dollars to try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic. So it is absolutely the government’s business,” Becerra said. “It is taxpayers’ business if we have to continue to spend money to try to keep people from contracting COVID and helping reopen the economy. And so it is our business to try to make sure Americans can prosper, Americans can freely associate.”

As for any concerns of the government invading Americans’ privacy, Becerra noted that they would not be forcing anyone to do anything.

“Knocking on a door has never been against the law,” he said. “You don’t have to answer, but we hope you do because if you haven’t been vaccinated we can help dispel some of those rumors that you’ve heard and hopefully get you vaccinated.”

The vaccine push comes as the Delta COVID-19 variant is now the likely dominant strain in the U.S., overtaking Alpha to account for 51.7% of infections, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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The Delta variant is the more transmissible strain and is estimated to spread 40-60% more readily than the Alpha variant. The surge of this variant has been of particular concern for health officials in regions with low vaccination rates, particularly in the Midwest.

Meanwhile, Republicans remain more skeptical about getting the shots. Fox News polling in June found that 55% of Republicans surveyed said they got the coronavirus vaccine, compared to 78% of Democrats and 59% of independents.

The Biden administration came up just short of its July 4 goal of having at least 70% of adult Americans at least partially vaccinated against COVID-19. According to the CDC, just over 67% of adults in the country had received at least one vaccination shot as of Thursday.

Biggs told Fox News the White House should be spending its time focused on the surge of migrants at the southern border and other issues.

“Instead of meddling in private medical decisions, the Biden administration should focus on addressing the border crisis, the rampant rise in inflation, and the crime wave that is plaguing American cities – all crises it created,” Biggs said. “The door-to-door spying on Americans is one more example of the burgeoning surveillance state by the national government.”

The pressure is on the Biden regime, and American patriots won’t stop until every last bit of freedom is restored.


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