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WATCH: Jim Jordan Exposes Fauci’s Forever War

A heated exchange between Jim Jordan and Dr.Fauci has garnered a lot of attention on social media and in the news.


Talk about empty words!

What is Fauci even saying here?! Can he give us any direct dates, levels, statistics, or figures? When are we going to get a solid date on when all this orwellian nonsense is over?

Bureaucracy is insane. These agencies will drag anything out to get more funding won’t they?

We need to talk about the motivations of these institutions.

What are they getting by dragging this out?

Do they have ANY incentive to cut this nonsense short?

When will we get any REAL answers?

Take a look:

Forbes reported: 

Jordan, one of former President Donald Trump’s fiercest allies, grilled Fauci over Covid-19 restrictions during testimony in front of the House Coronavirus Crisis Subcommittee, angrily pressing the doctor on when Americans could expect to “get their freedoms back.”

Dr. Fauci responded that restrictions would ease when the infection rate—which is rising across the country—was “low enough,” before Jordan, interrupting the doctor, barked, “What is ‘low enough’? Give me a number!”

Jordan went on,“Fifteen days to slow the spread turned into one year of lost liberty,” referring to a campaign launched by Trump’s White House in March 2020 urging Americans to stay home for about two weeks to slow the spread of the virus.  

The Hill had more on the story: 

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) told Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to "shut your mouth" during a congressional hearing on Thursday.

During a House Oversight coronavirus subcommittee hearing, Jordan and the country's top infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci clashed over public health precautions, with both men raising their voices.

When Jordan ran out of time for questions, subcommittee Chairman James Clyburn (D-S.C.) turned the questioning over to Waters, but Jordan continued his questioning.  

"I'd like my question answered," Jordan said.


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