Joe Biden gave a prime-time speech on Thursday in which he discussed the coronavirus, vaccinations, and lockdowns.
In the speech, Biden urged all Americans to get the coronavirus vaccine, which he says will be available to everyone on May 1st.
Biden also took all credit for progress made towards the vaccine, while also taking time to criticize President Donald Trump.
At one point in the speech Biden said that if everyone gets the vaccine, and wears their masks, Americans might be able to have small get togethers come July 4th…
You heard that correctly.
Joe Biden spoke to the entire country as if they were children, promising them that they might be able to hang out with their friends if they follow his rules.
Tucker Carlson responded in the same way that millions of other Americans surly did:
“How dare you.”
Carlson said that Biden is speaking to a free country full of free people, implying that he has no right to tell anyone what they can or cannot do on our Independence day.
The New York Post with more on the content of Biden's speech:
President Biden on Thursday used his first primetime address to set a goal for Americans to be able to gather in small groups by the Fourth of July and for all adults to be eligible for vaccine sign-ups by May 1. But Biden outlined a darker alternative if things don’t go so well.
The speech encouraged the public to take COVID-19 vaccine shots and wear masks — warning that if they fail to do so, the country could go back into lockdown.
“Even if we devote every resource we have, beating this virus and getting back to normal depends on national unity. National unity isn’t just how politics and politicians vote in Washington or what the loudest voices say on cable or online,” Biden said.
“Unity is what we do together as fellow Americans because if we don’t stay vigilant and the conditions change, we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track. Please, we don’t want to do that again. We’ve made so much progress. This is not the time to let up.”
He added: “Just as we were emerging from a dark winter into a hopeful spring and summer, it is not the time to not stick with the rules.”
The reforms to vaccine distribution and the looming end to strict social distancing measures were touted with more assuredness.
“I’m announcing that I will direct all states, tribes and territories to make all adults — people 18 and over — eligible to be vaccinated no later than May 1,” Biden said. “Let me be clear, that doesn’t mean everyone’s going to have that shot immediately. But it means you’ll be able to get in line beginning May 1.”
Biden said, repeating a timeframe that he’s outlined for two weeks, “we will have enough vaccine supply for all adults in America by the end of May. That’s months ahead of schedule.”
The president said that if all goes according to plan, July 4 could see near-normal American festivities.
“By July the Fourth there’s a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day,” Biden said.
“That doesn’t mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together. After this long hard year, it will make this Independence Day something truly special, where we not only mark our independence as a nation, but we begin to mark our independence from this virus.”
Biden claimed credit for the US progress toward ending the pandemic and without mentioning him by name, attacked his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.
“We lost faith in whether our government and our democracy can deliver on really hard things for the American people,” Biden said.
“I have as president of the United States put us on a war footing to get the job done. Sounds like hyperbole, but I mean it, a war footing. Thank God we’re making some real progress now.”
Joe Biden "Needs You" to Get Yourself and Everyone else Vaccinated...
Tucker Carlson erupted at Joe Biden’s claims that Americans they may get to celebrate 4 July this year with their families.
The president said in his nationwide address that if people get their vaccines when they are available that “there’s a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or your neighbourhood and have a cookout.”
But that was not an acceptable approach for the fiery Fox News host who watched the address on his nightly show on the right-wing news channel.
“Who are you talking to? This is a free people, a free country. How dare you tell us who we can spend the Fourth of July with?” said an indignant Carlson.
The American people are equally outraged with Joe Biden's speech.
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